Chapter 2

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I woke up to see DJ halfway off the couch and NeNe sound asleep still. I went to the kitchen to look at the time it's 11:34. I was the only one who actually watched the movie all the way through last night. You would think I should still be sleep but I guess not.

Tomorrow is Monday. Ugh! That means school again, why does the weekend have to go by so fast! DJ and I are sophomores, NeNe is a freshman. I went upstairs and brushed my teeth. When I was done I headed back downstairs. I made myself some cereal and went to sit down. I heard someone waking up probably DJ.

"Hey sleeping beauty, go wake up NeNe!" I said giggling.

She looked at me still half sleep and went to wake up NeNe.

Smack! "Ow, what was that for!" NeNe whined.

"I tried shaking you awake and you didn't move so I hit you with a pillow." DJ said giggling.

NeNe groaned. I heard them walking towards the kitchen.

"Good morning, or should I say good afternoon." I said.

"Hey, I'm going to take a shower." DJ stated.

"K. Use the guest bathroom!" I replied.

NeNe grabbed a bowl and made some cereal. I had just finished so I went up to my room to get some clothes for the day. I grabbed some gray joggers, my TMNT crop top and some underwear and headed to my bathroom. 

I turned the shower on and took my glasses off. I got undressed and stepped in the shower. The warm water felt really good. I washed my body and hair. Then I let the water run for a while. When I was done I turned the shower off and stepped out. I grabbed my towel and went back in my room to change.

I got dressed then dried my hair with my towel. I think I'm going to put it in a ponytail today. I walked back in the bathroom and hung my towel up. I started putting on my makeup when I heard footsteps coming in my room.

"Hey, where are the towels I always forget?" NeNe asked.

"In the closet down the hall. Is DJ out yet? " I said while applying mascara.

"Yeah, she just walked out. Thanks!" NeNe replied walking out the room.

I finished my makeup and put my glasses back on. I put my dirty clothes in the hamper and headed downstairs. DJ was sitting on the couch watching TV. She was wearing black ripped skinny jeans, and a cropped white sweatshirt with black huaraches. I grabbed my phone off the charger and plopped down next to her.

We watched Sponge Bob for a while. Yes Sponge Bob, don't judge! Then NeNe finally came downstairs. She had on regular skinny jeans with a maroon PINK shirt on, and white converse.
"You guys want to go..." I suddenly got interrupted by my phone ringing.
It had an unknown number. I answered it, "Hello!"
"Hi, is this one of the girls from BRB?" A man's voice said.
"Yes, who is this?" I replied.
"This is Allstar I'm a music producer. I liked your videos on YouTube and have an offer for you guys." He stated.
I put my phone on speaker. DJ looked at me, I signaled to mute the TV. She got NeNe's attention and we all listened.
"Ok we are all listening, what's the offer?" I asked.
"I want to sign you guys to a record label. (Idk what is the actual saying) If you agree to it then you would have to stay here in New Jersey. Then I can produce your music. So what do you say?" He offered.
"Hold on we have to consult each other." I stated.
I put the phone on mute and looked at the girls. We all squealed while jumping up and down.
"Say yes!" DJ said.
"Yea, but what about our parents we have to tell them that we have to move to Jersey!" I stated.
"We can tell them later but say yes!" NeNe shouted.
I took the phone off mute and said, "We'll take the offer!"
"Good, I'll send your plane tickets to fly you to Jersey. Also I will prepare the guest house for you guys. Pack yours bags cause your moving to Jersey!" Allstar answered.
"Hold on again." I said while muting the phone.
We all screamed. I took the phone off mute.
"Ok, when do we leave?" NeNe asked.
"This weekend, Saturday." He replied.
"Ok see you then!" I stated.
"Bye!" He said.

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