Chapter 14

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We walked to the counter by the bowling lanes to get our shoes. We all told the boy our shoe size and he handed us our shoes. He looked about our age, maybe one year older. When he gave me my shoes he winked at me.

Daniel didn't like that, he came and intertwined our hands and said, "Come on baby."

He glared at the dude while I was trying not to laugh. Wait he called me baby!😱 We went to the racks and chose our bowling balls and took them to our lane. Once we had our shoes on and we're ready to play we choose teams.

"How bout we do me and Bri, Kev and DJ, and You and Daniel." Devin suggested.

"Yeah!" We all agreed.

DJ typed our names on the machine and Bri and Dev were first.

"He looked at her and said, "Ladies first."

She smiled and grabbed her ball. She made a strike and started dancing.

"Nice Bri!" Devin shouted.

He gave her a high five. Now it's Dani and I turn.

"Do you want to go first?" Daniel asked.

"Sure, but I'm not very good." I answered.

I grabbed my ball and went to roll it. It made it halfway but then rolled into the gutter. 😳😐 Oops!

"Your good, here let me help you." Daniel said.

He grabbed his ball and put it in my hands.

He put his hands over mine and we rolled the ball together and made a strike!

"See your not bad!" Daniel exclaimed.

I smiled and went to sit down. Daniel sat next to me. It was Kevin and DJ's turn now. DJ went and grabbed her ball. She rolled it and made a strike.
*skip towards end of game*

The scores were: Bri and Dev- 117
Kev and DJ- 120
Me and Daniel- 109

We were in last place right now. The game was tight and it was our last turn. The others had finished already. We needed to score 3 strikes to win.

I walked and grabbed my ball and rolled it. Yes! I made a strike.
Daniel walked up and rubbed his hands together and then grabbed his ball.

He rolled it and made a strike shouting, "Another one!"

We all started laughing hard.

"Ok babe, now all you gotta do I make one more strike." Daniel told me.

I nodded and went to get my ball. I took a deep breath and rolled my ball. All of the pins fell but one. It was still shaking.. It slowly tipped over.

"Yes! Good NeNe!" Daniel shouted while picking me up and spinning me around.

Once he put me down he kissed me. At first I was surprised but then I started kissing back.

"Ohh, get it NeNe!" Bri exclaimed.

"Nice bro!" Kevin said smirking.

We broke away and I giggled. I took my shoes off and went to return them. I walked back to our lane and put my huaraches back on. I looked at my phone it's 6:37. We were done so we decided to leave Main Event.

We were all hungry so we agreed to go to Dunkin on the way home. We got our food and the boys dropped us off at our house. We waved goodbye and walked in the house.

Today was litty. Dev finally asked Bri out, Kevin 'saved' DJ, and Daniel kissed me. The boys all made a move on they're girls. But we ain't complaining! 😏😉

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