Chapter 7

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I looked in my closet and grabbed my lace crop top and pink shorts with my pointed black flats. I put my phone in my pocket and went to DJ's room. She had on some overall shorts with a white crop top on under it.

"Hey you ready?" I asked.

"Yea, I wonder where they're taking us?" She replied.

"Mhm." I said.

Bri stood in the doorway and said "It looks like we planned to match!"

DJ laughed while saying "Oh man."

My phone vibrated, I got a text.

Dani😏: We're here.
Me: ok were comin

"Come on they're outside!" I exclaimed.

We all hurried downstairs and out the door. Devin was in the drivers seat and Daniel and Kevin were sitting in the back. We got in the car and said hi to them.

"So where are we going?" Bri asked.

"It's a surprise!" Devin replied looking at her through the mirror.

"Ok." She said while rolling her eyes and smirking.

The ride was about 20 mins long. We talked about anything and everything while blasting music in the car.

Once the car came to a stop I looked out the window and saw we were at a amusement park. Uh oh!

"Yay! I love roller coasters!" NeNe squealed.

We all got out the car and went to the ticket booth. The boys bought our tickets for us. We tried giving them money but they insisted.

"So what do you guys want to ride first?" Daniel asked.

"I want to ride the big red roller coaster first!" Bri said while pointing at a roller coaster with a big drop.

I personally am not a big fan of roller coasters because I'm afraid of heights. I don't want them to know that though. Why did Bri have to choose the biggest one? 😫

"Yeah!" NeNe exclaimed.

I looked at the boys and noticed that Devin looked nervous. Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't want to ride that.

"I'll stay back guys." Devin stated.

"Why it'll be fun? Come on!" Bri said looking disappointed.

"Cause he don't like roller coasters!" Kevin said making a funny face.

"Your not alone, DJ don't ride either." NeNe blurted.

I glared at her.

"What?" She said looking at me all innocent.

I rolled my eyes. And looked around the park.

"That's fine, we can stay here and wait." Devin suggested.

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