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Peter looked over his shoulder towards Jack smiling. He winked and shook his hand for a goodbye. Jack stood still, wearing a wide smile. The boy turned around and started leaving. After a few steps he started running. But, somehow Jack knew, the boy didn't run away from him. After all, this boy wouldn't lie; not to him.

Now, he couldn't see Peter's back anymore, but still he was looking to where the boy had took a turn, smiling full of joy. An hour passed like this. The smile didn't fade a bit, and neither did his joy.

Then he turned to look the bench that just a few moments ago – just a few in Jack's mind – Peter and he were sitting. He kneeled in front of it. He kissed the bench where Peter had sat. He even kissed the ground Peter's shoes had touched.

"Oh Gods, thank you!" he repeated to himself. "He found me! I was looking for him for almost a hundred years and I couldn't find him, but he found me!"

Then Jack sat on the bench again. "He will come. He said he will, so he surely will. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after, maybe in a week, I don't know. What I know, what I am positive about is that he will come back to me!"

And like that, Jack decided to stay there, sitting on the same bench until the boy comes back. The night fell, he didn't sleep. The morning sun found him sitting and waiting. The morning became noon.

"It is almost the same time as yesterday... Oh, Gods, I wish he'll come today again. But it's alright if he doesn't come. I know he most probably has other plans. Don't get mad with me for wishing him to come. I won't get disappointed when he won't. I promise you!"


The boy shut the door of his room. He even locked it. Neither his mother, nor his father would care to come in, but you never know. He put down his school bag and jumped on his bed. He lied with his hands and legs spread and closed his eyes smiling.

"Oh my Gods, what is this? Why do I feel the way I feel? I mean, thank you. That's for sure. I just cannot understand it. Am I in love? Of course I am! What else can it be? But how is this possible? I mean he is cute... very, very, very cute... and kind, and extremely beautiful... extremely beautiful! But!!! I could understand it if I would be horny for him... well I am, but I mean... these feelings I have... they are not just sexual. Are they? No, they are not! But how? Why? I know I should think that he was just nice to me because of the sandwich... but somewhere deep inside me I really feel assured it wasn't for this. Am I a fool? Sure thing, but that much of a fool? I don't know... Is he for real? Oh Gods, let it be the real thing... well, no... I mean, I would really love it if it would be, but don't force it to be. Thank you anyway! Even if it is just for today!"

Thinking things like these he relaxed a lot. The more he was thinking of Jack, the more he believed in his honesty, and more tender feelings woke in him. And more sexual feelings as well. He put his hand inside his pants, and thinking of the boy he had met he cum.

"Ah Yusmota! What a nice name you have! I so much like the sound of it. I won't speak it as you wish, but I'll keep thinking it. Yusmota! My Yusmota!"

The last thought made him blush. "Oh my dear Gods! I cannot believe I said something like that... But wouldn't it be nice if it was true? Oh Gods! I think I love this boy. Yes, laugh as much as you want. I know I have just met him, but I really think I am in love!"

Hours passed like this. His father had come home. His mother had made a lunch for two and they had eaten alone. This didn't bother Peter at all. It wouldn't bother him much anyway, but the memory of Yusmota's face was enough to fill him with ecstatic delight.

"I must do my homework", Peter thought, but turning this thought to reality was not very easy the way he was. He ended up filling his book's every empty space with a simple phrase: "Jack I love you!"

Usually by diner time he would leave his room to see if there would be any food for him, but tonight he didn't care. So he remained in his room, until the time had come for him to sleep. He washed himself, and went back to his room. Once again he released his horniness for Jack and then, somehow, he managed to sleep.

He woke up much too early. He couldn't wait for the time to come for him to go to the park. "Will he really be there?"

It would be easy for him to pass through the park on his way to school, but if Jack had slept there, wouldn't it be an invasion of his private time? That is at least what Peter thought. So he didn't go that way.

The school was taking too much to end, and Peter couldn't wait. When the last bell rang he jumped from his seat and running he left. Well, I guess there is a first time for everything!

He reached the park without stopping running. He was out of breath, but he didn't care. He didn't care if Jack would understand that he couldn't wait to see him again.

The closer he was getting to the park, the more afraid he was that Jack wouldn't be there. The more his fears grew, the faster he ran. And like this he arrived at the park.

"He is here!"

He saw Jack sitting on the same bench. Jack saw him and tried to go to him, but Peter ran to Jack. On his excitement for seeing Jack there, he didn't think to stop himself and embraced Jack squeezing him with all his might.

"I'm so happy to see you again!"

But Jack didn't mind at all. Well, in fact he liked it a lot. And he didn't try to hide his contentment for seeing Peter.

"You came! I cannot believe you came! Thank you Peter, thank you so very much!"

"Of course I came! Didn't I tell you so?"

"You did! You really did!"

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