The Best Parents Ever!

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Three weeks had passed from that day like the blow of the wind. It was the nineteenth of December, a Friday more despicable than all the previous ones. Christmas' holidays were coming and Peter wouldn't be able to see Jack, maybe for two weeks. He couldn't stand it. He would run away from his home to be with Jack. He really would. That's what he was thinking leaving the park.

"I hate Christmas! Being with them all day is a real torture. But not being able to see Jack for two weeks... Oh, Gods! Please help me with that! I want to keep seeing him!"

He arrived home, and was greeted the same way as always. He went to his room and started crying. It was not because of the way his mother talked to him of course.

He passed most of his weekend locked in his room, crying. His parents must have seen his red eyes once or twice, but they didn't even ask. They didn't care.

Then a sad Monday came to pass. He didn't have any school. He got out of his room. He would say he was going for a walk. His knees were trembling. They never allowed him to go for a walk.

But as soon as he left his room, his father called him. He sounded like he was by the front door. He went there. He saw his father with his mother, and some suitcases. "What's happening?" he wanted to ask, but he didn't.

"Peter, we are going on a trip. Your mother and I had enough of you this year, so we need some vacation. And you, young man, you should learn a few things as well. So, I left some money for you on the table, manage them well in order to have some fun these two weeks. Don't overdo it, and do your homework. Are you listening to me? Oh! And never, ever, leave the home after sunset. I'll be checking on you young man. So, take care of the house. A good care. Are you listening to me?"

"Yes sir."

"Yes sir", his mother mocked him.

And they left. Just like that. Peter ran to find the money on the table. Fifty Euros. Fifty Euros for two weeks! Really now? Well, they could leave without even telling him, and without leaving any money.

He opened the refrigerator. There was no food there for him. But this was one more thing Peter expected.

He looked at his watch."Half an hour to make it sure..."

He got ready. Looking the hands of his watch waited. Half an hour passed. He left his house running. He reached the park. Jack was there. He run to him and hugged him. There were some other people in the park as well. He didn't care.

"Come with me", Peter said. Jack didn't even ask where. He simply followed him. When they were close enough to his apartment's building, only then Peter left Jack's hand.

He showed the building's door to Jack. "You can read, can't you? Good! Give me three minutes, and then ring the bell with the name Hart on it. I'll open the door, and then come to the second floor. I am sorry for doing this, but if anybody sees you coming with me and tells my parents, they will kill us both".

"Don't worry. I understand". He didn't though. Well, he could understand Peter's fear, but he didn't know why he was there.

Peter ran into the building and then into his home. He waited next to the door-phone. It rang. He pressed the button to open the door. He heard the elevator arriving on his floor. He opened the door, and he almost pulled Jack inside the house. He closed the door. He locked it, and pulled the blot.

Resting his back against the door he let his body to fall on the floor. He took some deep breaths to calm himself. Jack was watching him in wonder. Peter looked up to him. He smiled.

"We are at home!" he said and jump to him. He hugged him tightly and he started kissing him. After quite some time kissing next to the front door, their lips separated for a little while.

"So, what is happening?"

"I have the best parents in the world! They left for two weeks... Would you mind terribly staying with me?"

"I would love that!"

And once again they started kissing endlessly.

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