Skipping School

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Peter woke up too early. He was going to skip school. He wanted to be with Jack all day long. He couldn't wait. And of course he was afraid too. He expected to find Jack at the park at noon, but would he be there so early at morning? And even though he was always happy when he saw Peter, would he be angry to see him so early? This he didn't know.

Winter had suddenly appeared, as if he had an appointment with the calendar. Yesterday was still nice, but this morning was so cold. Peter cursed himself for being so short. "Nothing I have would fit him!"

And then he remembered, a few years ago, a cousin living somewhere in France had come to visit and brought gifts, even to him. She gave him a pair of pants, too large for him to ever wear. Blessed she be! He searched his closet to find them. He did. He put them in his satchel. "I hope they are good enough for Jack!"

And thinking like that he left his room. He waited his mother to finish making the sandwiches. As I said, it was too early.

"It's cold today, so I put some mushrooms in them as well to give you more energy", she said smiling maliciously.

"Thank you mom", Peter simply said and took them with him. She knew he hated mushrooms. That's for sure. But he didn't care. The only thing he was worrying about was how Jack – if he was in the park – would react.

He left the house and started to run. He reached the park. Jack was there. As if he had felt him he turned his face to face Peter's. He smiled at once. Peter ran to him. He hugged him, as usual.

"Do you mind me coming so early?" he asked from inside Jack's arms.

"Not at all... It fills me with delight to be with you". Jack clenched his arms.

Jack's warm armful and warm chest put him at ease. It was so natural for Peter to feel warm and secure in Jack's touch, that he didn't find it any abnormal that this barefoot beggar with the worn out clothes, at this freezing morning was warm. He didn't even seem to feel the cold. But at the moment Peter didn't notice it at all.

"If you want me with you... I intend to skip school today... But I'll leave if you want."

Jack laughed. "You think I am that stupid to tell you to leave?"

And he squeezed Peter even more.

"If I had a little money I would take you somewhere else, for us to be alone."

"Where would you take me?" Jack softly asked.

"Well, depending on how much the money would be. But I guess the most probable place would be at Epanomi's beach... It is close enough and three Euros by bus for us both to go there... I know, it is a stupid dream, but I like empty beaches in winter. They are so calming, and..."


"Nothing... just a stupidity of me!"

"And romantic? Was that it? Well they are!"

Jack kissed the top of Peter's head. "And you are so cute for wanting to take me there".

Peter couldn't believe how perfect Jack was. "Thank you for not laughing at me."

"Never! So are we going to go?"

Tears start running from Peter's eyes. "I... I can't take you there... I..."

"I'll take you there, my dearest Peter... Am I not allowed to do that for you?"

"No... It's not that... but why? How?"

Peter had lifted his face to look at this wonderful boy's brilliant eyes. Jack smiled.

"You shouldn't ask why. Because I want to make you as happy as I can! As for the how... well, I've noticed that on Sundays people sitting by this church's doors, and other people give them money... So, yesterday I decided to do the same thing... and this is how."

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