Death Returns

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Whenever Peter leaves to go to his school, Jack leaves with him, then they stop at the park, Jack dresses and Peter leaves. Then when school ends, he returns. They have some time together, either in the park, or going for small walks. To be totally honest Peter has skipped school a few times to enjoy more time with Jack.

Anyway. Then when it's time for Peter to return home, Jack undresses and becomes invisible. Peter puts Jack's clothes in his bag, and then, both of them go to Peter's home.

Since the incident with the exorcism Peter always locks his room door. He initially started doing it to protect himself from his parents, if they wanted to harm him, but it happened to be quite a convenient habit for the boys, as they could sleep together. Peter's parents haven't shown any wish to disrupt his sleep so far.

In weekends and holidays now Peter can leave the house almost as he wishes, so the two boys can enjoy these days too. Even in a few occasions that on week days Peter returned home rather late, he wasn't asked where he was. Once or twice, even more, his father said to him "welcome home". Of course, he didn't add "son".

So in sort, everything is going well for the two boys in love.

It was a Monday morning like these, on the second half of May, that Peter left Jack at the park. "See you soon my love", he said and kissed him. He didn't really want to leave. But nevertheless, he went to school.

Jack sat on a bench. It actually was the same bench they first met. He always tried to sit there. The park was empty that morning, so he had no problem achieving that. And there he waited for time to pass.

It may seem lonely to wait alone for so long. Peter had frequently commented on this, but Jack always said that the time flies as he thinks about him. Well, it was true. After all, Jack waited for ninety five years to find again Clyde's soul. So, how much can be a few hours for him?

The time for Peter to return was approaching. Maybe an hour and a half more. Jack was sitting on the bench looking at where from Peter usually comes, but he felt it regardless, the presence behind him approaching.

A paper cup smelling coffee held by a hand appeared from behind him next to his face. A gentle, familiar voice spoke to him. "Care to drink with me?"

He took the cup. "Why not?"

The handsome God jumped smiling on the bench, right next to him, holding another cup.

"So, how things are going for you?"

"Very well... thank you."

"I see... I'm glad to hear that!"

A pause followed, as Death waited for Jack to speak. He knew what he wanted to ask, but Jack didn't speak.

"Aren't you going to ask me Yusmota what you want?"

Yusmota took a sip. "Have you come to take me?"

Death laughed. "You are so innocently cute! You know he never asks me this? He is a mortal human and he has never asked me this, and you, my dear Yusmota, you are a semi immortal being and always you think I've come to take you. You can be killed of course, but I will never come for you naturally."

"Then have you come for him?"

"He is a human after all. Me coming for him is inevitable. This much is true. But not today. Today I came to have some coffee with you."

"But... You warned me not to tell him about his past, and he found out."

"Of course he did. How could he not? You didn't really expect to keep everything a secret from him. Did you?"

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