And The Time Passes

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This time Peter hadn't eaten his sandwich in order to eat it with Jack. He gave him the other one. Jack once again told him that he needn't do it, but Peter said it was the least he should do.

"I'm only sorry I cannot do anything more."

"You do a billion times more than you think, by just being here with me."

"You exaggerate!"

"No, I actually understate!"

Peter blushed. He took Jack's hand with his own, and kissed the inside of his palm. Softly but warmly. Then he laid his chick in it, smiling to Jack. He didn't know how to act. He didn't know what he should do and what he shouldn't do, but Jack didn't seem to care about that. He accepted the boy's unconcealed tenderness with a smiling face and eyes screaming "I love you!"

Jack asked him about his day. The boy was surprised. Nobody had ever asked him anything like that. He didn't know what to say. It was an uninteresting day... as every day after all. But Jack said that anything about Peter was interesting for him. The boy blushed a little more. He once again kissed Jack's hand and laid his face back in it again. "How come he doesn't pull his hand? Thank Gods!"

Peter wasn't accustomed to small talk. He had never had any friends, so he knew neither what to say nor what to ask. But Jack's kind and loving smile never left his face. He didn't get bored of him. He didn't even try to force the conversation, but allowed long pauses to appear, just looking at Peter's sweet eyes and smiling.

The time passed and the boy left, promising to come back the next day. And so he did. And the day next to it. And every day, till Friday came.

Peter gave Jack both his sandwiches. "I don't know if I'll be able to come until Monday. I want to. But I don't know if I'll be able to. And even if I do manage to come, I won't be able to bring you any food. So this is the only thing that I can do... I'm sorry".

Jack didn't want to tell Peter once again that this was not what he wanted from him. He could understand that Peter knew, but it was his way to take care of him. Even more he knew that in order to do what he had done, Peter most probably wouldn't eat anything for this day. So he took both the sandwiches. He gently put them down on the bench and then he kneeled in front of Peter and laid his head on Peter's thighs enfolding his waist with his hands. He didn't speak.

Peter caressed Jack's blond hair lovingly. His face was red, his eyes wet. Until then, every time he couldn't provide to someone the help they wanted from him, they would leave, most usually saying how useless he was. But Jack? Jack was still there, hugging him and thanking him – he knew he did, even though he hadn't said it – for what? For being there? For wanting to help him more? How perfect was this man?

"Thank you", Peter whispered.

Jack smiled. Almost without moving, he kissed Peter's thigh and remained there still hugging him. "I am the one that should thank you", he simply said.

The weekend passed and Peter couldn't leave his home. He stayed as long as he could in his room, waiting for Monday to come.

When school ended he didn't run. Not because he didn't want to see Jack. His knees trembled, his chest ached. He was really panicked. "Will he be there?"

With heavy steps he approached the park. And then, the sun shinned all over his face. Jack was there!

Another week passed quickly. Too much! And an awful weekend came to stay for long. Too long. Then the blessed Monday came at last!

And like that, October gave his place to November, and then December came. The first of the month was a Monday.

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