Peter Gives In

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"So, my beloved Jack, will you tell me what are you, or I ask too much?"

"You can ask anything my love. I am an astral being, created through fire and air, and brought to life through a great wizard's spirit. You can call me a spirit, or a familiar. Whatever you want."

The boy turned his smiling face up, to see Jack's. "Can I call you 'my love'?"

"I'd love that". Jack smiled back to him, and squeezed him even more.

Once again the boy rested his head on Jack's chest. Then he closed his eyes. "Is he dead?"

"He died long ago."

"I am sorry for that. I can say you love him. Did he love you back?"

"With all his heart."

"That's good... You deserve no less than this... much, much more!"

Jack laughed. "He thought so too."

"Of course he did! He must have been a great man, if his spirit gave birth to the most wonderful creature in the whole world!"

Peter kissed Jack's chest, while Jack was laughing. "I love you with all my heart... I am not a great wizard though... well I am not a wizard at all... Do you think I'll ever manage to be good enough for you?"

"You are much more than good enough. And I love you too, and you are the only man I would like to be with, and I am the happiest thing for I am loved by you."

"Being, my love, not a thing!"

Jack squeezed Peter again, and Peter squeezed Jack. And they remained laying like this, and they both relaxed. Jack closed his eyes, unable – and unwilling as well – to stop smiling and Peter... Well Peter relaxed so much that he almost fell asleep, in Jack's arms.

At the state just before falling asleep, he saw something like a dream. But more than what he actually saw were the things he understood.

He saw a fire in a forest at a windy night, and from inside the fire came Jack, walked to him, and held his hands smiling. Then Peter said "You are Yusmota". His heart raced and woke him abruptly.

As he momentarily flounced, Jack opened his eyes, and looked down to him. "Did I hurt you anyhow?"

"No, my love, you did not. It was just an unconscious reflex."

"Oh, I see."

Then squeezing Jack as much as he could, Peter asked something more. "My love, why did you tell me your name when we first met? Hadn't I told you not to do that?"

Jack's body stiffened and tears started running from his eyes. "You did my love... You did... I'm sorry my love..."

Hearing that Peter crawled up to find Jack's face. He kissed his eyes and then his lips. "I am not scolding you my love. I really am not."

This was said just for the apology, for Peter knew why Jack was crying.

"You promised me you'll love me from the start."

"I did that? Good! I fall in love with you the moment I saw you sitting on that bench". Then he whispered in Jack's ear "Yusmota... I love you Yusmota... Yusmota... You wanted me to call you Yusmota... didn't you, Yusmota?"

Yusmota burst out crying. "Yes my love... Yes my love!"

"It's all right my love Yusmota, I'll be whispering this name to you, Yusmota, as much as you like me to do, Yusmota", and then the boy kissed Jack's mouth with all his love.

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