Spring Cleaning

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Rana's POV

So, one time I was just in the classroom, getting the lesson ready for the class, when all thirteen Diviners piled into the room, sat down, and in a synchronized fashion, groaned.


"Well, aren't you just a chipper bunch today." I remarked, "What's the problem?"

"The problem," Bruce replied, "is written in big red letters on the calendar." He motioned to the calendar, hanging from the wall to the side of the room. I looked over, and sure enough, big red letters marked the event.

C L E A N I NG   D A Y

Every month, we dedicate one day to cleaning up around the dorm and just keeping the building tidy. Everybody dreads that day, but it honestly only takes a few hours. Everyone is assigned a job or two, and we all help, myself included. It's really not as bad as they make it seem.

"Oh that's right. I had completely forgotten. Well, let's assign jobs before we do anything else."

Everyone groaned and someone in the back said, "Good job, Bruce. Had you just kept your face hole shut, we would've gotten out of it."

I rolled my eyes at the ecstatic teens, and moved to the board.

"Okay, so, Aria, you'll be in charge of organizing the library and cleaning the incinerator. Noelle, you'll clean all the girls' bathrooms and showers, Avon, you can do the boys'. Zephira, you clean the quiet room, Sachiko, you take the kitchen. When you're done, you and Zephira can work together in cleaning the sports shed. Lanny, you clean the infirmary and the lobby. Bruce, you're going to clean the pool and scrub the tables by the pool, with the help of Bla- that's a bad idea...You know what, Marigold can help you. Blaze and Jasper, you two can mop the gym, and Vane, Elisia, and Lucas will scrub the path to the main school building. I'll clean the classroom, and Aria, do you mind helping me with the windows when you're done your chores?"

"Got it." She called back.

"Okay great. As soon as class is over, I want you to all to get to work, because you know, the sooner you get working, the sooner you'll be done, and the more freetime you'll get."

-----After Class-----
Marigold's POV

As soon as class finished, I went and got the supplies, before heading off to meet Bruce by the pool. The little jerk was laying on one of the lounge chairs, sleeping.

"Get off your butt, Brucellosis."  I ordered, tossing a wet sponge at his face.

"That...was unnecessary. And what does Brucellosis even mean...?"

"Brucellosis is a disease, typically affecting cattle and buffalo, but can give humans high fevers." I replied, recalling having to memorize this for a test exam to be a veterinarian.


"Just get cleaning." I sighed, "I'll clean out the pool, since I don't trust you with bleach, therefore, you get to clean the tables."

"Ugh, fine." He grabbed the sponge and bucket of water and got to work.

Bruce's POV

I  grumbled as I began to scrub the tables clean. Who does she think she is, acting all high and mighty, ordering me around like I'm some slave, not trusting me with bleach (Okay, I see her point on that one), but the worst of it all...SHE CALLED ME A FREAKING COW DISEASE!!!!!

My deep rage burned and I got an idea. I took my sponge, dipped it in my bucket of water, and wrung the whole thing out above Marigold's head, completely soaking her.

"BRUCE!!! YOU LITTLE-" She began to chase me, so I ran.

I have regretted many things in life, but this is not one of them.


Zephira and Sachiko poked their heads out of the sports shed to see what was happens and Aria, who was cleaning the windows on the top floor, lost her stability in the air and [almost] fell to her death.

I tripped on a tree root, which I assume Marigold put there to mess me up, and fell. Marigold put her foot on my back, and I sighed, defeated.

By now, the other eleven Diviners, plus Rana were surrounding us.

"What's going on?! Are you two done cleaning yet?" She questioned.

"Not yet..." Marigold said, in the most innocent and angelic voice she could muster. She took her foot off of my back, and I stood up.

"Then why are you all the way out here?"

"She wants to kill me!" I exclaimed.

"He poured water on me!" She accused, pointing at me.

"She called me a cow disease!"

"Marigold!" Blaze scolded, "How dare you call Bruce a cow disease?! That's an insult to cow diseases everywhere!"

Much to my dismay, Rana started laughing. You could tell she was trying not to, but she was failing.

"Blaze..." She said between laughs, "That's not very nice!"

"Yeah." The redhead sassed back, "That's kind of the point." Aria smacked her.

Rana sighed, still laughing, "You two, go finish your cleaning. We'll have a chat later."

A/N-- I totally didn't write this to avoid finishing the dance chapter in the original book...because it totally wasn't making me blush like crazy...baka...

Minna-San, Konnichiwa! What's up?

You don't know how long it took me to come up with an idea for this book. Seriously, there was like three other short stories that I ended up deleting cuz they were a just a train wreck.

And I am the very grammars.

Anyhizzle, Imma get going, so I shall see you later.



"And where you are is where I will be, because I want you to forever in my hearts, always."

'The Anime Man'

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