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*Please play music for full immersion*

It was your first expedition outside the walls was when you met your family that you weren't biologically related to.

Squad Levi.

They were your home away from home. You looked for them in times of need and looked up to them for guidance, much like a young person would look at their older siblings. The squad treated you back equally and saw you as a member of their family and took care of you even when so much as sniffled, saying that you needed rest. You were really the joy of Squad Levi and yet, you could only be called this because they saved your life.

* * *

You stared into the fowl beast's blue eyes, smiling slightly as you felt blood trickle from your mouth.

"You'll all be dead one day. All of you," Your grin widened into a full blown smile as it brought you closer your death with disgusting mouth. "Well if this is how I die, then so be it. Goddamn I just wished I would've lasted lon-"

The sounds of wires caught both yours and the titan's attention, the two of you looked to where the sounds of the zipping was coming from.

There they were.

The highly commended Special Operations Squad in all their glory.

"Eld, Gunther sort out the approaching titan on the left! Olou, get the one of the right! I'll get the one holding our comrade and get the crawler approaching afterwards! Petra I want you to attend to the girl!" Although, it was a long sentence, the short corporal had gotten his orders made clear very quickly. The titan started to bite down on you, nearly breaking through your bones; he had already pierced your flesh.

Your face contorted with agony but you simply refused to cry out, why give the titan the satisfaction. Suddenly it froze, captain Levi had shot his arrows and distracted the Titan once again but no more than two measly second later, you were falling from the titan's mouth.

A pair of arms caught you. Petra Ral. You couldn't believe it was her! It was the first and only female on Squad Levi. Yet, you were too distracted with nearly dying to fangirl at that moment. She set you down on the grass and looked at you with a smile as she ripped open your buttoned blouse to see your wounds easier.

"You're gonna be alright," Petra said sweetly as she proceeded to put pressure on the severe gash.

"I-I am? That's a relief. I thought I was a goner!" You replied rather tiredly.

"If Captain Levi had been even a millisecond later, that titan would've bitten through you. Foul beasts, aren't they?" Petra sneered playfully-- keeping you smiling as she treated you.

Finally, the remaining members of the squad met up with Petra. "What's her condition, Petra?"

"She's okay, I've managed to stop the bleeding for now. She also has at least three broken bones. But we should get her to the wagons immediately and get her treated," The petite ginger girl replied.

"This your first mission, cadet?" You heard the captain ask you.

"Yeah." Your response was drawn out from your growing fatigue.

"Just as I thought," He replied and stood. "I'm surprised you didn't piss your pants, cadet. You did good. Now get rest."

"Will do, Captain Levi." There you went, smiling again. It was almost like your version of being straight-faced was smiling. You let your eyes close and soon you were in an unconscious-like sleep.

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