Rainy Day!

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Your POV:

You and Dan were talking about how to advertise. You couldn't help but notice his deep brown eyes. They looked happy and full of life. His brown hair looked soft and well taken care of. You snap out of your thoughts has a hand waves in front of your face. "Falling for me already?" Dan smirks. You scoff "Hardly". He frowns and the before he can say anything Ms.Jones starts speaking. "Time to go! See you later everyone." She walks out of the room and heads home. As you walk out a hand lands on your shoulder. You turn  around to see Dan. "I had fun today" He winked at you. Blush rose to your cheeks. "Um, well I need to use the bathroom." You ran off to the bathrooms. Dan had yelled wait but you didn't listen. As you ran into the bathroom stall you put you bag down and used the bathroom. Grabbing your bag, you run out to where the buses are. They're gone. You took too long in the bathroom.

You decide to sit down on a nearby bench to think of what to do. You had no money. Walking was out of the question because you didn't know your way around yet and Mum was at work. You felt like crying. You hated the idea of being alone or helpless. Tears pricked your eyes. It was almost 7 and mum wouldn't get out of work till 1am and even then she'll probably just be drunk like usual. You stayed there for a few minutes. It started pouring rain. You decide that the best course of action was to find a nearby gas station and ask for the directions to the glass museum since it was near your house.

You walk to the front of the school and decide to turn left. As you're walking you hear a car creeping behind you. Sweat gathers on your forehead. You decide to turn the corner in hopes that the car wouldn't follow. It did. The black car speeds up as you start running. It goes ahead of you and parks. The guy that gets out looks oddly familiar, the straight brown hair and the black clothes. Before you have time to run back to the school the guy grabs your shoulder. "Hey Babe" with that you turn around and slap him. You weren't scared anymore. You were angry. "DAN HOWELL! DON'T YOU EVER F**KING DO THAT AGAIN! I WAS SCARED!" You were always very sheltered and was never really scared because of it. Sure you could flip people but when you were scared you felt paralyzed. Tears fell down from your eyes. Dan pulled you in for a hug. You didn't fight it. You wrapped your arms around him. Pulling him closer. Still hugging Dan spoke up. "Hey, Why were you even out here? It's raining and now it's almost 8".  You told him the whole story and your plans to find a gas station. Dan releases you even though you wanted to keep hugging. It just felt so... right. "I just don't know what to do." You wipe your tears. "Well, tell you what. If you give me you address, I'll drive you home." Dan offers.

~~Time Skippy~~

You get out of his car. "Here's my number. Call me if you need anything." Dan hands you a slip of paper with a phone number on it. You nod and thank him before walking into your house. You looked at the clock, 9:30pm. You ran to your room and slammed the door closed. You went on your laptop and messaged your online buddy Danisnotonfire. You have never seen him, you don't know his name aside from Daniel and the fact he was 2 years older (So a Junior in school).  He didn't know anything about you aside from your age and your initials (And Gender). He just called you (FI/LI) (First Initial and last Initial, Example if your name is Kenny Brown it would be KB) and you guys were really good friends. You liked him. He seemed perfect for you.

SORRY ITS SHORT!! IMA WATCH SOME DOCTOR WHO~~ CYA! (Also Sorry if any mistakes!)

Wanting The Devil (DanielHowell x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora