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You message Danisnotonfire in hopes of him responding. He doesn't, you wait for 10 minutes and he finally replies.


You: Hey!

Danisnotonfire: Sup, sorry I was helping a friend get home. She doesn't live too far fortunately.

~You felt a bit jealous, it was a GIRL he was helping.~

You: Oh, is she nice?

Danisnotonfire: Yeah, though I think she believes I'm a total player. Which I'm not.

You: You? A player? Never! You're the sweetest guy I know.

Danisnotonfire: Awe, Thanks. If only you and that girl would switch places, or at least you would tell her what a nice guy I am.

You: Yeah.. If only. ~You Frown~

Danisnotonfire: So how was your first day of highschool Ms.Freshman?

You: Decent, I met this jerkface but other than that is was good, oh and he had to give me a ride home since I missed the bus. It was either him or walking in the rain for an hour or so.

Danisnotonfire: Huh, that's interesting..

You: Something wrong?

Danisnotonfire: Nah, it's fine. I wish I could see you.

You: Meh, my mom's very strict when it comes to internet safety. She even made it so I can't send photos to anyone without her permission, which I respect her choice. Though she comes home drunk a lot more than usual.

Danisnotonfire: Well if you ever want to talk  just message me.

You: Kay, I will.

~We talk for 4 hours~

You: Oh, my mums home. Gotta make sure she's not too drunk.

Danisnotonfire: Seeya, ttyl!


You open your bedroom door to see your mom standing there. "What were you doing?" she asks. "Oh, talking to a friend." You respond. "Boy or girl" Your mum sneers. "B-Boy" You knew she was really drunk, which meant she was going to get really violent if you lied. "A BOY?! DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME, WHO THE HELL WOULD BE INTERESTED IN YOU, MY MISTAKE?" She began to hit you. "MOM! STOP!! STOP IT PLEASE!!" You began to scream. You contemplate calling Dan but decide not to, at least not yet she's only drunk. "MOM!! YOU'RE DRUNK! STOP IT!!!" You continue to yell. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU FUCKING KNOW?! MAYBE I'M SOBER!"  She keeps hitting you over and over again. Your stomach hurt like hell and you definitely had a black eye. You couldn't go to school tomorrow and you couldn't stay home. There was only one thing to do. You ran to the bathroom as fast as you could. Shut the door and locked it. Your mom pounded at the door. "GET OUT HERE YOU BITCH." 

You pull out the slip of paper and dial the number. "Hey, who's this? And what's with the pounding?" Dan answers.  "Hey, it's me Y/N and the pounding is my mum who's very drunk and angry." You whisper, trying to make sure your mum didn't here. "Say no more, be there in 10." He ended the call. You look at your phone time, "1:30AM" You decided you need your computer. The banging had stopped, which made you even more nervous. You cautiously opened the door. There was nobody, you snuck into your room and made a bag full of clothes, essentials and your laptop with chargers.

8 minutes had past so you decided to sneak out the front door. You got into the living room before you were stopped. "Where the hell do you think you're going at almost 2 in the morning?" Your mom had calmed down a bit but she was still seething. "I'm going to a friend's house. To get away from you." You scoot closer to the door. "Oh, FUCK NO, I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU." She came running at you and started beating you. You yelled in pain. Suddenly the front door swung open and Dan grabbed your mom. He told you to run to the car and as you ran he followed. You both got in the car and sped off into the night.



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