Surprise !

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Gonna start writing in first person !

I start walking to lunch, a slight rumble in my tummy. I watch kids walk into the lunch room, some were short, some tall. I watch Louise walk in with her squad following. Then I see Dan with his squad. Some look at me with a glare, guess he hasn't told them we're okay now or maybe they just hate me.

I look over to the girls restroom to see a brunette waving her hand at me. She motions me to come to her. Out of curiosity, I do. She pulls me into there and her friends block the doorway.

A few more of her friends grab my hands and hold onto them, making me unable to defend myself if something bad happened.

"Alright, I'm one of Daniel's decent friends. My name is Cleo and he is not to know about this." She says. I nod, not really paying attention.

"I'm hoping this will stay peaceful, you just need to listen to me and agree." Cleo says, staring at me with her grey, emotionless eyes.

"What do you want Cleo." I roll my eyes at her.

"So, Dan has told most of his friends about you and how you're friends now. All of his friends hate you, just scared of Dan to do anything. However, he won't know about this." She paces in front of me.

"Daniel likes you, and I like him, meaning this isn't going to work. I want you to stay away from him, otherwise I'll make your life a living hell." Cleo says bitchily.

"Look honey, if I wanted a bitch, I'd have bought a dog." I say.

Next thing I see is a hand covering my mouth and a fist going towards my stomach. I cry out in pain but the hand muffles it. I couldn't breathe for a few seconds and I wanted to hunch over to reduce the pain.

The hand gets removed and I don't bother yelling, she'll probably just punch me again.

"Anything to add?" She asks with a smirk.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get that, I don't speak idiot." I say with a painful expression.

"You're such a dumb whore!" She screams at me.

"You're such a beautiful, intelligent, wonderful person." I say, while she looked at me confused.

"Oh I'm sorry, I thought we were having a lying competition." I say as she slaps me.

Now I hear a few screams and a couple a thuds.

The girls in the doorway on unconscious and one of the girls that was holding my arms were too. The other chick that was holding my arm was shielding herself from something.

Cleo turned around quickly to find Dan, standing with his arms crossed.

"Dan! I heard the commotion in here and I saw poor Y/N being attacked!" Cleo cried out, trying to seem innocent.

" Your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth." Daniel replies, before grabbing my hand and leading me out.

Teenagers were all walking outside to take their 10 minute break that was after lunch.

Dan and I sat on a nearby bench and I told him everything.

"First of all though Dan, how did you know I was in there?" I ask.

"Well Louise came to my area to see if you were around. She asked if I had seen you since class ended. When I told her I hadn't, we both were worried. Phil, who was with her suggested you were in the bathroom." He says with concerned eyes.

Dan decides to continue. " I noticed that Cleo and her friends weren't in their usual area and I knew she liked me. I quickly ran over and the chicks guarding the door were on their phones. Next thing I hear is your voice then a slap. You know the rest."

"Wow, you do realize you went in the girls bathroom right?" I ask, an eyebrow raised.

"What can I say, I'm a trouble maker." He says, winking.

I blush brightly, my face getting warm.

"You okay, your face is all red." He says smirking, and poking my cheek.

"Shut up." I mumble.

He pulls out a bag of Maltesers and opens them.

"Want one?" He asks, holding the bag out.

"I've never had one, what are they." I question him as I grab one.

"They're little malt balls." He answers, popping two into his mouth.

I nodded and ate the one I had grabbed.

The taste was indescribable. It wad super tasty.

Dan held out the bag of the little balls and I took a handful.

"These are so good!" I say, continuing to stuff the candy into my mouth.

"Here, you can have the rest, at least I had a lunch." He chuckles, giving me the bag.

I take it hastily and continue eating them.

The bell rings, signaling that classes were about to start.

We get up and walk back to our science class, everyone staring at us.


Wasn't that the best surprise xD
I need ideas! Comment below!

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