~Thinking about you~

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Your Pov:

Your eyes were wet from tears. The car ride was silent but you couldn't help but hear people laughing at you. Yelling 'you're worthless' 'weak' 'crybaby'. You knew no one was saying it but you believed every single one. Dan is probably judging you, thinking how weak you are, trying to get these terrible thoughts out of your head you bury your head in the bag you brought.

Dan POV:

I kept driving in silence. I look over at Y/N, she's really beautiful. I made the connection between her being the girl online but she didn't seem to connect the dots that I was Danisnotonfire. I would tell her but she might react in two different ways. She might treat me as the Dan she knew online or as a completely new person. I want to pull over and giver her a hug.Tell her it'll be okay. I hear little sobs coming from the passenger seat. I look around, there's a beach somewhere near. I turn onto a quiet and dark road. The short little sobs became louder. I think she's afraid of the dark.

We pull up to beach and I park. She looks up and around, squeezing her bag as she stares at the dark beach. I get out and run over to her door, opening it and offering my hand. She slowly takes it. I think she doesn't trust me (RIP). She gets up and puts her bag on her shoulder. We walk side by side down the pavement and onto the beach, I want to hold her hand but I don't. We haven't said a word to each other. "It'll be okay" I whisper. She wipes her eyes and grabs my hand. Her hand was warm and comforting. We continue walking in the sand until I pull her down and we sit.

We look up at the stars, they're very bright. "Hey, wanna hear a gay joke?" Y/N asks. "Sure, whatcha got?" She giggles at my response. "Okay so a man says "I'm straight", then the man across from hims goes "Yea, but so is spaghetti until it gets wet" Get it?" We roll around laughing. "OH MY GOD! Y/N THAT'S TERRIBLE" I laugh. We stop rolling around and she cuddles into me. She shivers and cuddles closer if that's even possible. I go to put my arm around her but I touch her neck and her breath hitches. I smirk and act like nothing happened.

Your Pov:

He touched your neck, yOuR nEcK!! You mentally freak because you have to admit, it totally turned you on (Stupid Hormones xD). You feel embarrassed and blush. You're pretty sure Dan didn't notice luckily. The moonlight shone down on you two just like in the movies. All good things have to end and unfortunately your eyes became heavy and darkness took over.


You wake up but keep your eyes closed. There was a comfortable silence aside from the sound of a shower down the hall. You were in a bed, fuzzy blankets covered your body while your head rested on the silky pillows. The sound of the water stopped and a minute passed by of quietness. The door of the room creaked open and someone came through but didn't close the door. You peak at them only to find that it's Dan, shirtless... he didn't have much muscle but he definitely wasn't fat. Biting your lip you snuggle into the blankets. The hushed walking of Dan made your heart flutter, is he going to lay next to you? Is he going to grab something and leave? Is he going to do anything? 

Dan Pov: (Sorry for the pov changes)

I walk into the room that Y/N is staying in. She sleeping but I can't help but admire her beauty. I grab a old nightlight from the top of the dresser and plug it in. There's a rustle of blankets and I turn around to see Y/N sleeping peacefully. I wonder if she's awake? I walk over to the bed and kneel in front of her, rubbing her back I contemplate saying anything in case she really is awake. Her quiet long breaths hit me in the face and I give her a quick hug and her heartbeat speeds up. I prolong the hug and whisper in her ear "I'm on fire, arn't I?". I get up quickly and walk out shutting the door behind me. I sleepily walk to the nearby sofa and lay down. Why Y/N.. why can't I stop thinking of you?


He kneels in front of you and rubs your back. Dan stays silent and your breath hits his face. He gives you a hug and you can feel your heart speed up, "I'm on fire, arn't I?" Dan whispers into your ear. The boy gets up quickly and leaves, closing the door behind him. You sit up looking around. A tiny train nightlight illuminates the room, he's so sweet! The room was mostly black and white, seemed like a teen boy's room. You mentally freak out realizing YoUr In DaNs BeD! Once you realize this his scent slams into your nose, it's everywhere and it's comforting. You lie back down but wonder what he meant by ' I'm on fire, arn't I?'. Could it be? No... they're too different. You refuse to believe it but you had to admit... you were falling for this boy, and you were falling fast.

Sorry for the short chappies! AND MISTAKESS!!


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