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Soonyoung's Pov

Getting ready for school, I could hear my parents getting into an argument over little things. Normally people would say it's just a cute couple arguing over little things but, it's not cute. They are ..abusive. I looked at myself in the mirror, I'm capable of doing anything, why should I have parents, they are abusive anyway. Only my mom is abusive, I never understand how he could cope with her.

As I walk downstairs to have my breakfast, "FINE! I'LL DO IT." I see my dad signing a contract and my mom looking impatient. A little confused, I approached them to see what it was, "What's that?" I questioned.

"Oh Soonyoung! long have you been standing there?"

"What's that?"

My mother inhaled deeply and said, "Your father and I are getting a divorce."

"A divorce? Why would you do that?!"

"We have decided this is the best for your father and I. I mean, for all of us."

"W-what do you mean for us? What about me? Have you ever thought of how I would feel?"

"YOU DON'T TELL US WHAT TO DO YOUNG MAN, GO EAT YOUR BREAKFAST AND GO TO SCHOOL." She yelled at me. My dad gave me an apologetic look like he didn't what any of this to happen. "We'll sort this out tonight. No buts, go to school and study well for me first." I didn't even get the chance to reply and he just left. My mom looked really pissed. I wouldn't want her to start slapping and caning me again so I just left, without a word.

Why would they want a divorce? What happened? I don't want to be parent-less.. Who would take me with them? Was it because they couldn't decide which coffee brand we should buy? Is it because I'm a bad son? Is it because we're not happy anymore? Well, we were never happy anyway. I should just ask my dad later on today. Sigh. I have such a lovable family , right?


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