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the blonde haired man at his friend who was about to go for a surgery.
"you really fine with this?"
"of course. as long as he's fine, i'm fine."
"you should stop being so selfless, hyung." the taller sighs, he couldn't stop the other from doing what he wanted. he had already promised to not interfere.

"you would never do this, you said you would keep all your body parts until you die as a kid." the younger watches the older hold his significant other's hand.

the older inhaled deeply,
"well, i lied."

jihoon stares at the clouds from the window.
"it looks like you," he says, watching the cotton-like objects in the dark sky.

"what looks like me?" soonyoung walks over to his boyfriend and picks him up so that jihoon would be sitting in his lap.

"the bunny in the sky," the younger pointed his finger out at the hazy bluish thing at above.

"are we not going to school today?" soonyoung asks, slowly tightening his embrace with the other.

"didn't we graduate already?"
"ah, i forgot. sorry. i also haven't really seen my friends, so.. and i don't think i should, right?" the older dipped his nose in the other's hair, inhaling the scent of him.

"i don't know, do you think you should?" jihoon fixes his white eyepatch.
"no, not really. i don't really want to, it's just that, thinking of school made me think of them too." he sighs, running his fingers in the younger's hair.

"don't see them then, they're just going to hurt you here."
"what does that mean? they would never."
"they would, they would tell you i do not exist, and me not existing would hurt you. won't it?" jihoon turns to look at the older.

jihoon was right, all his friends were just a blockage. eversince he kind of 'cut ties' with them, he's been spending quality time with the younger. they're happy now.

the younger leans in and pushes the older down to the bed. he places a kiss on older's chubby cheeks before lying on the other's chest.

"you know, we'll be able to leave this place after some time. we just need to wait." jihoon mentions.

soonyoung is confused. he kind of got what the other meant, but he's also not sure if he's right. he doesn't ask, because he knows that jihoon would indirectly tell him and he'd need to find out anyway.

"we eating in again?"
"your choice, anything you're comfortable with." jihoon looks up at his boyfriend as he intertwined both their fingers together.

the older then closes his eyes, slowly dozing off without jihoon knowing.

noticing how the soonyoung was snoring, jihoon stares at his boyfriend who was fast asleep,
"i hope we'll be able to wake up together some day."

|COME AT ME WITH YOUR THEORIES I MADE IT SUPER EASY TO GUESS I THINK, would anyone even make theories about this shitty book lol idk

i updated slow because i'm always worried that i'll write nonsensical and unnecessary stuff which wouldn't make sense to people

so I'd kind of check(?) my writing before publishing, but then again typos guys I hate my typos
whenever i read what I wrote after publishing them i just.. like how can y'all read my mistakes without feeling disturbed or stressed bc i do lol

if this was a oneshot it'd be much better and easier to write LOL |

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