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I followed his eyes to see him looking down at the duvet.

"Very weird." He scrunched up his nose.

I continued cuddling him in bed as kept shifting around as if he was uncomfortable.

"What's wrong, Hoonie?" I pushed his fringe to the side and kissed the bridge of his nose.

"I told you that it's weird!!" He frowned.

"What's weird?"

"What's weird? We're naked! ..In ..In bed! This, this is weird!" He hid his blushing face at the crook of my neck. He breathed irregularly which meant he was nervous, nervous for what?

I thought for a while.
"I'm not ready.." He muttered as he tightened his grip on the back of my neck.

oh. OH.

"Jihoon, we're not going to do that. No sexy time like Wonwoo and Mingyu, okay? Have they been telling you weird stuff again?" I sighed as he looked up at me.

"So you're saying we're not going to do it?" He asks slowly while getting closer to my face.

I nodded.

"Why?" ..Didn't he just say he wasn't ready and now he's asking why? I'm so-

"You don't love me? Why? Wonwoo and Mingyu love each other that's why they do it, right?" He looked into my eyes, he looked like he was actually pleading me to do something.

"..do you want to do it?"

"Yes! No.. no.. yes? no? hmph.. I don't.. know." He avoided eye contact with me and looked like he was so deep in thought, he even closed his eyes.

"Um.. Hoon? Hoonie? Jihoon?" I looked down at him as he didn't respond. I pulled him up a bit so I could place my forehead on his,

"ngh.. hmm" He squirmed in my embrace, and that's when I realised, he fell asleep.

I placed a small kiss on his nose and cuddled with him in bed and slowly I realised,

we have school ..today?

I got up from my bed frantically as I fell from the bed, buttnaked. Jihoon rubbed his eyes, sat up and looked down at me, confused.

"What, why- SOONYOUNG I CAN SEE YOUR THING!" He shut both of his eyes and fell back onto the bed.

Panicking, I ran to the other side of the room, getting my uniform, still undressed.

Slowly, he rose back up from the bed and opened one of his eye and peeked on my exposed body, he then let out a giggle as he saw my ass but widened his eyes as he realised I saw him checking me out in the mirror.

I turned around and quickly put on my underwear as he blushed furiously, this was the first time I saw him blush this much. Did he, actually see my ..dick?

Unexpected, he continued staring at me without saying anything. He'd usually turn away and yell into the pillow or something. Well, that's what I expect him to do.

"We have school today!" I quickly put on school uniform and threw him his as he wrapped himself with the duvet and waddled towards the bathroom but stopped right outside the door.

"But I think school is already over so uh.. We don't really.. I don't think we really need to-"

"Did you remember that we have school today and just didn't wake me up and tell me? Today is the last day to hand in my assignment!!" I accidentally yelled as he stood there, looking down.

"Sorry.. I just, wanted to spend the day with you. Eventhough we only had one week of holiday, it feels like this is just the second or third day. It's like, time pasts by so fast and I just, I didn't know because I handed mine in right before-"

The room door bursted open as it caught both of our attention.

"Kwon Soonyoung why weren't you in school today?! Are you skipping classes like last year again?! And what is this- clothes on the floor, you're wearing your uniform that's not even ironed and school just ended like fifteen minutes ago. What do you have to say about yourself?" Minghao and Jun looked at Soonyoung with disbelief.

Jihoon then ran into the bathroom and slammed the door as I looked towards the door. Both Minghao and Jun's gaze followed mine.

"He's still staying with me"

"Why?" Jun asked while raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by why?" I asked back and as Jun was about to speak, Minghao stood between us and took my wrist.

"We need to talk."


"Jihoon is still in the house!! Alone! Can I go now?" I whined as Minghao and Jun were ordering drinks at the cafe they dragged me to for a 'talk'.

"Why are you so impatient? He's not gonna die in there, is he?" Jun said as I balled up my fist but controlled my anger

"He might! He's all alone, he has a soft heart, very fragile-"

"So are you, Soonyoung. We are worried about you." Minghao said as he walked us to a random seat in the cafe.

"What's to worry about? You should worry about Jihoon, not me!" I took a sip of iced tea to calm myself.

Jun then rolled his eyes at me.

"Why are you like that, Jun? What have I ever done to you?"

"Because of this, my boyfriend is so worried and he even has nightmares!"

"Because of.. what?" I ask as I watched Jun get more pissed as Minghao looked more and more guilty and worried.

What is going on-

"I'm worried about you, Soonyoung."

||Hi don't kill me thanks late update cuz school and school and school. I feel like this story is so messy kms.

Anyway I was supposed to post this chapter when my prologue gets 666 reads but I surpassed it already but oh well at least satanhoon is coming ^-^||

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