Chapter 9

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      Cinderpaw padded uncertainly up to the apprentice den.  The ferns that covered the entrance seemed threatening, as if even they wanted to hurt her.  She shook her gray and white tabby fur to clear her head.  Don't let them see that I'm nervous.  Don't let them see.  She told herself firmly.  She squared her shoulders and pushed her way through the ferns. 
      The stares of the older apprentices fell in her, disapproving and cold.  Stonepaw curled his lip and turned away.  
      "Hi. I'm Cinderpaw."  She announced. She searched the hostile gazes of the toms. The only other apprentices in the den were Foxpaw, a ginger tom who had been apprenticed to Badgerclaw not long before Cinderpaw had reached six moons, and his brother Duskpaw, a gray apprentice who had been assigned to Clawstripe. 
      Foxpaw raised one eyebrow, as he if were surprised that she had expected a warm welcoming. 
      Duskpaw simply seemed shocked that she been made a warrior apprentice at all. 
      Cinderpaw furrowed her brow.  "Well it's nice to meet you all too."  She retorted. 
      When her sarcastic words were meant with only more silence, Cinderpaw decided to make another nasty report. 
      "I'm going to be staying in this den until I'm a warrior, so you can all just suck it up if you don't like me."  She hissed in annoyance.  She spun around and stalked out of the den, fury burning hot in her chest.

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