Chapter 18

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"Uh..... Greenpetal?" Breezepaw mewed as she looked around the nursery. "Excuse me, Greenpetal?"
"Greenpetal went to make dirt.  Who are you?"  Came a cold voice from a nest. 
      "I-I- my name is Breezepaw.  I'm- well, I used to be from Dewclan."  Breezepaw tried to keep the tremble out of her voice.  She saw a grey head looking over the edge of a nest at her.
"I can smell that," the queen glared suspiciously at her. "What are you doing here?"
"Me and my friend- Thunderpaw- left our clan." Breezepelt shuddered as she remembered the day Stoneclaw had returned to camp and announced that he had killed Cinderpaw.  "We had hoped to seek refuge here." 
      "So, you and your friend are traitors.  Why should we take in a couple of cowards running from their clan?"  The she cat hissed.  "Can't you see we have enough cat already?" 
      Breezepelt felt her hackles lift.  "Thunderpaw is not a coward!"  Her pelt bristled defensively.  "He didn't have to leave!  He could have stayed, but he left with me because Dewclan is horrible!"  She realized her voice was rising to a wail. 
      Breezepaw stopped and took a deep breath.  She had to calm herself.  She couldn't go making enemies when they were giving her and Thunderpaw shelter.  "I'm sorry."  She murmured quietly, flattening her fur and lowering her hackles. 
      The grey she cat flicked her tail.  "At least you have enough honor to defend your friend. My name is Mistheart."
Breezepaw blinked. She opened her mouth to say something, but just then the den opening rustled. Breezepaw turned around to see a white she cat, she fur neatly groomed.
"You must be Breezepaw." She cocked her head to one side. "Spikethorn said you'd be in here. I see you've met Mistheart. I hope she didn't give you too much trouble." She blinked apologetically.
"Are you Greenpetal?" Breezepaw asked hesitantly.
"That I am." Greenpetal dipped her head. "You and your friend must be brave, to have left Dewclan like that. I hope you find life here enjoyable."
Breezepelt dipped her head in return. She liked Greenpetal. She was much nicer than Mistheart.
"So, I think you'll find that Stormclan is much more open to change than the other clans. Well, the former Leafclan is more open to change. Some of the former Fireclan cats--" she flicked her tail at Mistheart-- "still don't like it much. I was Fireclan, so I would know. But I'd like to think that I'm more open to change than done in my clan."
Breezepaw hesitated. "Do you think they're open enough to change to let a she cat become a warrior?"
Greenpetal looked startled. "That's quite drastic, young one. I'm not sure any clan is ready for that quite yet. Why would you want to be a warrior? They have very dangerous lives."
Breezepaw looked at her paws. "It's what my sister wanted." She murmured.
"You as much safer as a queen, here in the nursery. And you can help keep the clan alive by raising the kits, and one day having some of your own." Greenpetal mewed gently.
      Breezepaw shifted her paws.  She needed this clan to accept a she cat as a warrior.  Cinderpaw needed it.  Breezepaw thought the life of a warrior sounded scary, but she had to avenge her sister and mother.  She had to kill Stoneclaw and Ruststar. 

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