Chapter 19

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"Hey there, Breezepaw!" Sunpaw called as he bounded up to her side. Breezepaw lifted her head in greeting. She had been laying in a sunny patch in the Stormclan camp while Thunderpaw went out hunting with a patrol. They had been there a couple days, and it had not taken long for Sunpaw to drop his hostility and begin warming up to Breezepaw.  He seemed to enjoy complimenting her a lot.
"Mind if I join you?" He asked.
"Go ahead." Breezepaw flicked her ear.
Sunpaw sat down beside her. "You know, Mouseleaf said I was doing really well in my training.  He said I had the best hunting skills out of all the apprentices in the clan."  He boasted. 
      "Did he now?"  Breezepaw answered sleepily.  
      "I think you'd make a great warrior if she cats could train."  Sunpaw rambled. 
      Breezepaw scrambled to her paws, her tiredness forgotten.  She hadn't mentioned wanting to be a warrior to anyone other than Greenpetal.  "Me?  A warrior?  That would be crazy."  She huffed. 
      Sunpaw stood up as well.  He looked startled and confused.  "I didn't mean to upset you."  He insisted. 
      Breezepaw slowed her breathing.  "Sorry, it's not your fault.  It's just.... a bad memory."  Breezepaw settled back down. 
      Sunpaw sat back down and stared at her.
      Breezepaw's pelt prickled uncomfortably as she avoided his eyes.
      "You have really pretty eyes."  He meowed suddenly. 
      Now it was Breezepaw's turn to be startled. 
      "You're eyes are really pretty."  Sunpaw repeated. 
      "Er.... thanks."  Breezepaw felt awkward. 
      "Well I'd better go.  I think Mouseleaf wanted to take me to practice battle moves." Sunpaw got to his paws and quickly padded away. 
What was that about?  Breezepaw stared after the ginger tom in confusion. 
      But Breezepaw's confusion was soon forgotten as the warm evening sun made her sleepy once more.  She let herself doze off. 

      She found herself in Dewclan territory.  She wandered around, feeling safe.  The sun above the trees sent warm beams falling through the canopy of leaves.  It dappled the forest floor.  The territory became hauntingly familiar.  Breezepaw froze as dread crept over her.  
      Ahead of her was Stoneclaw, Cinderpaw, Smowstorm, Beetlepelt and Mousefang. This was it. This was the patrol that Cinderpaw went out on the day she died. As Breezepaw watched, Stoneclaw jumped on Cinderpaw from behind. Cinderpaw let out a screech of terror, and that made Stoneclaw snap and claw even harder. Breezepaw tried to run to her sister's aid, but her paws were rooted to the ground. She yowled in grief as she watched her sister being murdered.
Cinderpaw released screams of agony as Stoneclaw's teeth and claws dug in deeper and deeper. Sticky red blood ran around Breezepaw's feet as she continued to try to reach her sister.
Breezepaw jerked awake and found herself on her paws. She crashed through the undergrowth. It was dark around her. Her paws pounded against the ground as she ran. She didn't know where she was going. She tripped on a root that was sticking up from the ground. She stumbled to the ground. She laid there, shaking uncontrollably and crying.
She heard paws thudding on the ground and smelled Thunderpaw. He curled himself around.
"Listen; hear my heartbeat? Focus on that." He mewed softly into her ear.
Breezepaw tried to focus on the sound of her friend's heartbeat. Slowly she stopped shaking. She rose unsteadily to her paws.
Thunderpaw was on his paws as well now. He gently led Breezepaw back to the Stormclan camp with his tail.
Breezepaw saw an almost full moon gliding steadily above in the coal black sky.  It looked so calm, so peaceful.  Oh Starclan, Breezepaw thought, how could you let Stoneclaw do this?

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