welcome back

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When they arrived at earth 2 s.t.a.r labs Jesse and Barry spoke about life then harry walked out. "Allen" he yelled as he approached him"what are you doing here is every thing okay .

"yer yer everyone is fine and I was just wondering if you would like to visit everyone is missing you" said Barry

Harry and Jesse looked at each other then harry said "yer I think seeing wally would be good for Jesse" Jesse glared at him he took no notice "plus I am in the mood for throwing cisco's stiff on the floor give us 15 minuets for packing" barry smiled "and for the record Jesse wally has missed you a lot to and he's single" Jesse blushed

20 minuets later on earth 2

"you guys ready asked barry the breech should open any minuet" Barry said looking at them both.

Earth one s.t.a.r labs

"do you think he's ok?" Asked Caitlin nervously

"Caitlin for the hundredth time I am sure he is fine its only been 2 hours" cisco said annoyed
Iris and wally where talking about random things when Caitlin's phone alarm went off getting everyone's attention because it meant it was time for Cisco to open the breech Caitlin end her breath anxiously as she waited for Barry to come home Cisco opened the breech and seconds later Barry sped through with harry and Jesse with him Caitlin walked up to Barry and hugged him tightly.

Jesse spotted Wally on the other side of the room with the biggest smile ever on his face any one had ever seen Jesse ran up to wally and hugged him tightly almost making him fall over but he hugged Jesse back and whispers "I missed you so much" in to her hair.

"I missed you to" Jesse whispered and pulled out off the hug even thou neither of the wanted to but they knew people where staring "hey do you wanna go out to eat" asked wally smiling at Jesse .

"Like a date" asked Jesse
"Yes" replied wally with a bigger smile
"I would love to when"
"You free now" Said wally looking into her eyes.
Jesse nodded then said "dad I'm going out" then left before he had time to protests she held Wally's hand and walked down the long corridor.

Cisco hugged Harry "harry my man its good to see you"

"Cisco its good to see you to" said harry

"So Barry what happened on earth two" asked iris while Caitlin left to go talk to harry.

'Well I saw are doppelgangers and they are still married with a adopted 10 month old son a called Logan and you broke eddies nose" very said really fast

"OK WOW glad we had this conversion" iris walked away

Caitlin walked up to Barry and said "lets go I will cook dinner or order us a pizza" Barry took her hand and they drove back to Caitlin's apartment when they got there they jus Aston the sofa and had a doctor who marathon Barry had his arm around her and her head rested on his shoulder.

"So cait I was thinking we should move in together we spend most nights together anyway" Barry spoke

"You mean you live here with me hear right because I like my apartment" said Caitlin looking up at barry

"Sure so then that's a yes" Caitlin nodded then smiled then Barry kissed her

"When should I move in" asked Barry
"When ever you'd like but not right now Clara is lost in the TARDIS"

"I love you so much" Barry kissed Caitlin fore head and they both turned back to doctor who.

Then they both feel asleep and for got to order pizza it was only 2:00pm when they fell asleep so they would probably eat later.


I love the idea of wally and Jesse so yer keep reading :-)

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now