How I love you

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2 weeks later

"Caitlin are you ok?" Barry asked knocking on the bathroom door

"yer I will be out in a minute" she answered then emerged from the bathroom her skin was pale and she looked like she was going to faint.

"oh Caitlin" Barry whispered pulling her in for a hug.

"can you tell cisco I wont be at work today?" Caitlin sighed

"I will tell cisco that we will both not be at work today because mrs.allen I'm not going to let you do this alone you help be get better so now I'm going to do the same for you go lay down and I will go make some soup" Barry ordered

"Barr I already know what's wrong with me and soup is not the answer" Caitlin muttered

"nonsense soup and rest fixes every thing" Barry laughed

"Barry soup won't fix what I have" Caitlin argued

"what is wrong with you?" Barry asked casually

"nothing I'm fine more then fine but soup won't fix the fact we are going to be parents in 8 months and I don't want it to" Caitlin beamed

Barry froze a smile stretched across his hole face "are you serious?" He asked

"pretty serious" Caitlin smiled

Barry wrapped his hands around Caitlin's waist then spun her around "we are going to have a baby!" He exclaimed then kissed Caitlin

"yes we are" Caitlin giggled

Barry was smiling so much Caitlin was sure his face was stuck like that "we have to tell someone every one!" Barry said excitedly.

"actually can we keep this to our self until we have had our first check up?" Caitlin asked shyly

"of course if that's what you want" Barry whispered then kissed her again

"you know I'm sick right and if you don't stop kissing me you will be to" Caitlin joked

"never" Barry whispered then kissed her again it made her laugh.

"I love you" she stated softly

"I love you more" Barry argued

""not possible because I'm loving you for 2 now so mine and the baby's love means I'm loving you more if that even makes sense" Caitlin grinned

"of course it makes sense what ever you say makes sense to me but its still not possible I love you more then all the stars in the universe" Barry admitted.

Caitlin smiled at him and blushed

"we love you more then all the stars in this universe and all the other earths" Caitlin teased

"I love you both more" Barry whispered


Sorry its a short chapter

Hearts that beat fast  (the flash fan fiction) (snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now