Chapter 1

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"Looks like they're back from their mission," Maya announced, peering out the window at the street below. A crowd had gathered around the new Order of the Stone as they made their way down the street. At their head was Jesse, glittering in her blue and white armor, smiling as she waved to the crowd. Behind her followed her friends Olivia, Axel, and Petra.

"So the loser heroes are back," Aiden grumbled, throwing himself into a chair and folding his arms.

"Someone's got their build in a twist," Gill joked, throwing Aiden a grin as he joined Maya at the window. Aiden grunted and glared at the ground.

"You don't like them?" Maya asked, turning towards Aidan.

"Of course I don't!" Aiden burst out. "As soon as one good thing happens to them, they can't stand anyone else getting any glory!"

"Can't argue there," Gill agreed.

"But what can we do about it?" Maya asked. "Lukas is wrapped around their fingers."

Aiden joined Maya and Gill at the window as below Lukas appeared out of the crowd. He ran to Jesse's side, talking to her as the group progressed down the street. Aiden growled in disgust and turned away. Maya and Gill followed him to the table.

"Just because Lukas is stuck in their trap doesn't mean the rest of us have to be," Aiden announced.

"You have something in mind?" Maya asked.

"You know I do," Aiden told her, pulling a book out of his jacket and tossing it onto the table. Maya and Gill both leaned closer.

"You can't be serious," Gill said.

"Why not?" Aiden asked. "Legend has it that he'll fulfill one order from whoever summons him. It's all right there. All of the instructions."

The door opened and Lukas entered. He nodded to each of the Ocelots before his face broke into a smile.

"Hey guys," he said.

"What's got you so cheerful?" Maya asked.

"The Order's back," Lukas told them. His eyes fell on the book on the table. "What's that?"

"Just a book," Aiden said, picking up the book and putting it back in his jacket. Lukas frowned.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing's wrong except the fact that the Order of the Losers is stealing all the glory there is to get," Aiden complained.

"Their name is the Order of the Stone," Lukas said. Aiden stood up, rolling his eyes.

"Oh right, I forgot you owe them a life debt," Aiden snapped, stalking closer to Lukas. "You'd do anything little Jesse asked you to."

"What's gotten into you?" Lukas demanded. Maya and Gill moved forward to stand at either side of Aiden, both slightly behind him. Aiden reminded silent, fists clenched.

"Nothing," he finally muttered, pushing past Lukas and walking out of the door. Maya and Gill followed him, slamming the door as soon as they were past. Lukas sighed and moved back to the window. He watched as they all entered the building at the end of the street. The crowd gradually melted away.

"Watch out, Jesse," Lukas muttered. "Aiden's up to something."


"Another's day work," Olivia said, flopping down on a couch and stretching. Axel dropped onto the couch next to her, followed by Petra moments later. After a few seconds afterwards Jesse entered the room, dressed in her casual overalls and t-shirt.

"Has anyone dropped by yet?" Jesse asked.

"Nope," Olivia said. "Are you expecting someone?"

"Lukas was going to help me enchant my sword," Jesse replied, glancing out the window.

"I'm not surprised he's a no show," Axel said. "Once an Ocelot, always an Ocelot."

"You guys are too hard on him," Jesse said. "Lukas is a good guy."

Axel shook his head while Olivia looked away. Jesse frowned. Petra stood up.

"Anyway . . . I'm going home," she announced.

"Me too," Axel agreed, climbing to his feet.

"Same here," Olivia said.

"See you guys tomorrow," Jesse told them, waving as they left. The door closed behind them. Jesse looked around the room for a moment, listening to the silence. She sat down on one of the couches and began reading a book called The Legend of the Three. Slowly her eyes closed and slumped over in the seat, sound asleep.


Jesse woke with a start to knocking on the door. She bolted to her feet.

"Lukas! Oh no," she gasped, rushing to the door and pulling it open. Outside the sun had just set, painting the sky a deep purple. The glowstone lamps along the street were starting to turn on, casting long shadows for anyone still out. Lukas stood just beyond the doorway, grinning slightly.

"Is now not a good time?" he asked. "I can come back tomorrow if that's better."

"No, I just fell asleep reading," Jesse told him, stepping back so that he could walk inside. She closed the door.

"What book was it?" Lukas asked, walking over to the table. Jesse walked over to a chest against the wall and began searching through it as she continued talking.

"The Legend of the Three. You know, that one about Notch, Steve, and Alex."

"Hoping to pick up some hero tips?"

"Honestly I was just looking for a good book to read. Even if it is history."

"I never got through the whole story," Lukas admitted. "I stopped right at the end. It was too sad, I just couldn't go on."

"The Ocelot leader has a soft spot, huh?" Jesse teased.

"Very funny," Lukas told her, putting an iron sword on the table. "That reminds me, sorry I'm late. I was following Aiden and the other Ocelots."

"Why?" Jesse asked, pulling a diamond sword out of the chest. She stood up and closed the lid.

"They're up to something shifty," Lukas said.

"Aiden always looks like he's up to something shifty," Jesse pointed out.

"Anyway, I followed them into a side alley, but that's where I lost them," Lukas said.

"He's probably not up to anything too bad," Jesse said. "Maybe he's just blowing off steam."

"Yeah, maybe," Lukas reluctantly agreed. "Let's go enchant our swords."

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