Chapter 19

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Anide leaned against the cavern wall.  His eyes were locked on Aiden as he admired the enchanted sword he had brought.  Jesse and Lukas had gone outside in order to watch the change of Ether.

"You know, it's funny," Aiden began, "you're the person who probably understand me best, but you might be the person who hates me most."

"There could be a reason for that," Anide responded. A ghost of a smile touched Aiden's face.

"And what's that reason?"

"I think you've done some stupid stuff."

"Like what?"

Anide shrugged. "Fighting. Being a jerk to the people who could've been your friends. Freeing Herobrine." Jesse.

Anide didn't say it out loud, but her name hung in the air between them like a breath of fresh air.

"You're making a fool of us," Aiden muttered.

"Me?  I'm making a fool of us?"

"You hang onto her every word and action.  It's stupid."

"Just because you blew your chance . . ."

"Don't make this about me!"

"But it's always been about you, hasn't it?" Anide gestured wildly as he shouted. "You never think about others. You never think before you act! Your stupid decisions put the people we love in danger!"

"That's it, isn't it?" Aiden put away his sword. The two stared at each other, duplicates yet distinct, friends and enemies, united under a single goal.

"Hey, guys?" Lukas's voice rang through the cave. "You might want to come see this."

Aiden and Anide stepped out of the shelter to stand beside Lukas and Jesse. She had recovered sufficiently to stand and walk around without aid.  She was weaponless, but that didn't mean she wasn't dangerous.

"Look over there," Lukas said.  He pointed out over the black husk of the landscape. The bones of trees strained towards the sky as if in hopes of escaping the approaching figures. They were still far off so it was hard to make out details.  Just four figures in red armor.

"Why aren't they being stealthy?" Anide asked.

"Because they know we have nowhere to go," Aiden responded.  "We need to leave.  Now."

"You know the way?" Lukas checked.

"Obviously.  It's not exactly rocket science."

"So where do we go?"

"That way," Aiden responded. He pointed his enchanted sword at the horizon, away from the advancing figures. "It's actually not that far. Only a couple days travel."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Jesse started walking in the direction Aiden had indicated. The rest of the group followed. Behind them the ground turned baby green as grass began to sprout.


Petra stared at Jesse and Lukas as they stuffed their faces with every food they could get their hands on.  Ivor, who was standing nearby, raised an eyebrow as Olivia grimaced.  Axel simply scratched his head.

"Got a real appetite, don't they?" Axel said.

"You noticed?" Petra asked dryly.  She shook her head.  "It's like they've never seen food before."

"Or maybe they've caught a parasite which is slowly eating then from the inside out!" Ivor suggested.

"Whatever it is, I can't watch much more of it," Olivia groaned.  She rushed for the door and slammed it closed behind her.  Immediately Jesse seized her plate of food and began eating it.

"Vultures," Petra muttered.  But she took care not to let the others hear her say that.  They'd just say she had a bad attitude or something like that.  But she couldn't help herself.

Ever since Jesse and Lukas had come back, things had been weird.  First it was just little things.  Jesse forgetting stuff she should have known.  Both of them being fascinated by the smallest things.  Both of them stuffing their faces with food.

But then there were the stranger occurrences, like the moments they both suddenly go silent and stare into the distance as if listening to something, or how the air felt darker and colder now, the nights more evil.

As she thought it both Jesse and Lukas dropped their forks and exchanged a look.  Jesse turned back to face Petra.  "Who's in charge here?"

"What do you mean?" Axel replied.  "We are.  We're the Order of the Stone, remastered edition!"

"Nobody else?" Lukas asked.


"What about when we are attacked by mobs or other cities?  How do we fight back?"

"We don't get attacked by other cities," Petra said.  "And mobs aren't that big of a deal anymore, especially since we have the city walls."

Jesse and Lukas went back to eating their food.  Petra frowned at them.  It's like they're making a battle plan, she thought.  But to fight who?  And why?

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