Chapter 9

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Jesse woke to a pounding behind her eyes and a burning in her throat. Something wasn't right. No, everything was wrong.

"Lukas," Jesse moaned. She forced her eyes open and stared blankly at the ceiling.

A glimmer of a memory tugged at her consciousness. Something about Lukas. A nightmare? They'd been talking, he was saying something important about the escape, and then his eyes glowed vibrant white . . .

"No." The thunderous voice echoed through the room, sending dust particles drifting down.

"You know, I'm starting to think you're all talk," a second voice retorted. Aiden, Jesse thought hazily. Which is . . . sort of impossible, isn't it? Herobrine grabbed me and teleported me here, into this prison.

The nightmare was crowding her mind too much for her to think clearly. She couldn't remember what had and hadn't happened. She couldn't even move. All she could so was sit and listen.

"Starting to regret your decision?" the booming voice asked. "After all I've done for you?"

"I could have taken him!"

"I saved your life."

"He wouldn't kill me. He doesn't have the guts."

"You're pathetic." The voice sounded thoroughly disappointed. "Get out of my sight."

"Not until you agree."

"No. She's delicate from all of the times I've had to silence her and filter her memories. You can't go in there."

"Lukas," Jesse whispered. She staggered to her feet and reached for the door. Surprisingly, the doorknob turned. The door creaked open.

"No . . . you . . ."

Two people turned, eyes falling on her shaky form leaning against the doorframe. One was exactly who she expected. Aiden. But something was wrong with his face. A terrible scar crossed from his jaw to his temple. And beside him . . . beside him . . .

"Going somewhere, Jesse?"

Lukas watched her, expression etched with disappointment. Aiden reached for his enchanted sword but Lukas stopped him.

"I think it's time for you to go back in your cell," Lukas said. Jesse stumbled as Lukas stepped towards her. He reached forward, tapping Jesse's forehead. Everything exploded into dark shards as her consciousness fled.


"Now look what you've done," Herobrine growled as he picked up Jesse's limp body.

"What I've done?" Aiden demanded. "I'm speeding things up."

"You forced me to accelerate the process." Herobrine laid Jesse back against the wall. "You're lucky I was able to sense her approach and assume this temporary form."

"She's vulnerable. Let me kill her!"

"NO!" Herobrine turned, eyes burning white. "Get out of my sight! Return to your own world until I'm ready for you!"

Aiden lunged for Jesse, swinging his sword, but vanished as if he had been wiped from existence.


"This is the shrine they built?" Petra asked.  She nudged the glowing gold blocks with her sword.  "Not that impressive."

"It doesn't need to be impressive," Ivor said as he thumbed through one of the dozens of books he'd brought with him.  "According to this, the shrine can function as a portal."


"That's the issue, isn't it?  None of the books say how to activate it."

"It's got to be step in the fire.  That's what it always is with evil portals."

"Are you willing to bet your life on that?"

Petra frowned, but she remained silent.  Ivor continued to skim his books.

"Do you think-"

A thump interrupted Petra's question.  She turned, sword drawn, to face the form which was now lying face first in the dirt.

"Aiden," she growled.  "Glad you could drop in.  I think I've got some questions you can answer about this 'portal.'"

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