Chapter 2

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"Do you guys have plans for what to do next?" Lukas asked Jesse as the walked down the street. Jesse shrugged.

"Ivor's getting really excited about something he's researching, but he hasn't told us anything about it yet," she explained. "I was thinking maybe next time we go out on a quest you could come with us."

Lukas smiled for a moment before his eyes darkened. He shook his head.

"You know I'd love to, but I don't think it's the best idea," he said. "The others still don't trust me. You saw the way they were when I came out of the crowd to welcome you back. That was open hostility in their eyes."

"Maybe if you come on quests more they'll get used to you," Jesse suggested. "I've seen how trustworthy you are. They just need the chance to see it too."

"You've always seen the best in people, Jesse. You gave me a second chance after how horrible Aiden was to you. I don't know if the others can do that too."

"You have to give them the chance," Jesse said. Lukas held the door to the library open for Jesse before following her inside. They walked to the enchanting table in the back.

"Do you have any lapis lazuli?" Lukas asked.

"I knew I forgot something!" Jesse moaned. Lukas smiled.

"That's ok, I brought enough for both of us," he said, holding out a handful.

"Thanks, Lukas," Jesse said. "So how does this work?"

"You put your sword and the lapis lazuli on the enchanting table, then hope for something good," Lukas explained, giving Jesse some lapis lazuli. She put her diamond sword and the lapis lazuli on the enchanting table. The table began to glow brightly. When the glow faded, the lapis lazuli had vanished and the diamond sword had received the trademark enchanted glow. Jesse picked it up.

"Thanks," she said. "How can you tell what enchantment is on it?"

"I can check for you," Lukas offered. Jesse handed him the sword and he placed it on the enchantment table.

"Sharpness two," he announced, handing Jesse's sword back to her. "Take good care of it."

"I will," Jesse promised, putting away her sword. Lukas placed his sword and lapis lazuli on the enchanting table and waited until the enchanting was finished. He checked the enchantments.

"Knockback. Not great, but better than nothing," he said, putting away the sword.

"You should really join us," Jesse said. "We could use a fighter like you."


The door to the library burst open and Aiden, Maya, and Gill entered. Aiden was in the process of talking to the others in an agitated voice, so he didn't immediately notice Lukas and Jesse.

"-I don't care where you get it, but we need nine blocks of it. Maya, bring four redstone torches as well."

He glanced up, noticing Jesse and Lukas for the first time. He scowled.

"If it isn't the star herself, here with Lukas," Aiden said.

"What are you doing here with an Ocelot at night?" Maya asked. "Scared people will see you two together?"

"A member of the Order of Losers wouldn't want to be caught dead with an Ocelot like us," Gill added. "Too dangerous for their precious reputation."

"Why are you here?" Jesse demanded.

"Just here to enchant some swords," Aiden told her. "That's not a crime now, is it? You should run off to bed before the mobs come out to play."

"I think we can handle a few mobs," Jesse told him.

"Oh, so it's a we now?" Aiden asked. "Finally decided to make room for other people to share the spotlight?"

"Not a good time to pick a fight," Lukas warned Jesse. Aiden and the other Ocelots laughed.

"That's right, Jesse! We'll just enchant our swords and go," Aiden said. He led the others forward and to the enchanting table. Lukas and Jesse backed up and began walking towards the door.

"I might stick around and try to figure out what they're up to," Lukas whispered to Jesse.

"I was just thinking the same thing," Jesse whispered back, throwing a glance over her shoulder. Aiden had finished enchanting his diamond sword and was swinging it through the air. Behind him Maya and Gill were busy at the enchanting table.

"Split up?" Jesse suggested.

"Don't let then catch you," Lukas warned.

"No, you need more lapis lazuli than that!" Aidan complained from behind. Lukas ran to the left and darted into an aisle of bookshelves. Jesse ran to the right and ducked behind a display case which held ender pearls. From her hiding place she could clearly hear Aiden and the others.

"You got that bow enchanted?" Aiden asked.

"Yep," Maya replied. "Infinity and power on all three."

"What about the swords?" he asked.

"Sharpness three on this one, sharpness one and knockback on that one," Gill answered.

"Good. Use all the extra lapis lazuli on that sword," Aiden ordered.

"Do we really need to do this?" Gill asked. "I bet he has a sword of his own."

"Doesn't hurt to give him a gift and get in his good books," Aiden said. "Hurry up, it won't be long before Lukas is back."

It was a few moments before anyone spoke again.

"There you go," Maya announced. "Smite four, knockback two, fire aspect two, and looting three."

"Perfect," Aiden told her. "I'll hold onto that. Grab the bows and let's get going."

Jesse peeked around the display case. She could see Lukas on the other side of the room, watching from between the bookshelves. He nodded towards Aiden. Jesse pointed towards Lukas, then the door.

What about you? Lukas mouthed.

I'll follow them, you go get Petra in case we need backup, Jesse mouthed back. Lukas frowned and vanished back behind the bookshelves. By the time Jesse looked at the door, it had closed and Lukas was gone.

"Do we need to enchant him an axe?" Gill asked.

"Why would he need an axe?" Aiden demanded.

"Seems like an axe wielding person to me," Gill replied. Jesse stared at the ground thoughtfully. Who were they talking about?

Suddenly she realized the library had gone silent. Jesse was debating whether or not to stand up when the Ocelots appeared around her, each of the three holding their newly enchanted diamond swords. Aiden grinned down at Jesse.

"How stupid do you think we are?" he asked.

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