Chapter 3

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Jesse drew her enchanted diamond sword but Aiden knocked it out of her hand. It spun away into a dark corner of the library.

"Let's keep this civilized," Aiden suggested, putting away his own sword. Maya and Gill kept theirs out.

"What are you up to?" Jesse asked, standing up. Aiden's eyes hardened.

"Why do you always assume we're the bad guys? Why can't we be heroes too?" he demanded. He glanced at Maya and Gill. "Don't you guys think that's unfair?"

Maya an Gill both nodded. Aiden turned his attention back to Jesse, frowning as he did so.

"Since you're the one making us out to be villains, I say it's about time we start treating you like we are," he told her. Jesse ducked to the side, but since she didn't have much room for work with Aiden's punch caught her shoulder. She stumbled backwards and into the display case, knocking it over.

"Grab her!" Aiden commanded. Maya grabbed one of Jesse's arms while Gill grabbed the other. They pulled her to her feet facing Aiden.

"Oh, did that not feel good?" Aiden asked as Jesse struggled. "Just remember that next time you try to make the rest of us feel like dirt."

Jesse went limp, dragging Maya and Gill down with the sudden weight. She twisted and broke free, running for her sword.

"Stay back!" she heard Aiden call behind her. As her hands closed on the diamond sword she felt something shatter against her back. Everything flashed white before she lost consciousness.


"Does she need another potion of healing?" a voice asked from somewhere nearby.

"Another potion of healing won't do any good!" a gruff voice argued. "Now leave those potions alone!"

"He's just worried, Ivor," a soft voice said.

"We're all worried!" Ivor pressed. "But the rest of us aren't trying to force-feed Jesse random potions!"

"Why didn't she wake up yet?" the first voice asked.

"I don't know," Ivor grumbled.

"I'm going to look for clues as to what happened," the soft voice announced. Jesse heard something moving away.

"I'm going to help her," Ivor said. "Don't mess this up."

Jesse heard something else moving away. Something brushed her arm.

"Please be ok," the first voice pleaded. "Please wake up, Jesse."

"I'm ok," Jesse said, opening her eyes. She was on the library floor, staring up at the ceiling. Lukas was kneeling on the ground next to her. He smiled slightly.

"You had us worried there," he told her. Jesse sat up, glancing around. Petra was in full armor and standing next to the knocked over display case. Ivor was at her side, mumbling sourly.

"What happened?" Lukas asked, holding out Jesse's sword. She accepted it. "Ivor mentioned something about a level two splash potion of harming while he was poking around."

"I'm not sure," Jesse admitted. "The Ocelots knew I was there. They had surrounded me. When I made a break for it something hit me from behind. That's the last thing I remember before I woke up here."

"I knew they were dangerous," Lukas growled. "When I get ahold of Aiden . . ."

"It's ok," Jesse told him. "They're long gone now. What happened to you?"

"After I got out of the library I ran straight to Petra's place. She was there talking to Ivor. I told them that I thought you might be in trouble and they both came with me back to the library. By the time we got there the other Ocelots were gone and you were unconscious by your sword. Ivor checked the area around you, identified the splash potion, and gave you a healing potion. When you didn't wake up I started to worry, and then Petra and Ivor went to find clues about what happened."

"Looks like Jesse is awake," Ivor said, walking over to join Lukas and Jesse. Jesse and Lukas both stood.

"Good to see you back to your old self," Petra said, giving Jesse a quick hug.

"I'm fine, thanks to Ivor's potions," Jesse replied. "Where are the Ocelots?"

"So they're the ones behind this?" Petra asked.

"They're planning something," Jesse agreed. "I don't know what yet."

"I'm sick of them pushing us around," Petra complained. "Whatever they're up to, let's go put a stop to it." The group left the library. It was only a moment before two armored guards ran up to them.

"Have you seen any suspicious activity this evening?" one of the guards asked. "Someone robbed the resource house."

"What did they steal?" Jesse asked.

"Nine gold blocks, one block of netherrack, and four redstone torches," the guard listed.

"The Ocelots," Lukas growled.

"If you see anything suspicious, please report it," the guards said before hurrying away.

"What did they want all that for?" Petra asked.

"They're summoning Herobrine!" Ivor gasped.

"Herobrine? But that's just a legend," Petra protested.

"No, Herobrine is real," Ivor said. "Havn't you read The Legend of the Three?"

"Who hasn't?" Petra asked. "We've all heard how Notch, Steve, and Alex supposedly trapped Herobrine in another dimension when he became too powerful and turned evil. That doesn't mean the story is true."

"But it is!" Ivor protested. "And the books, the really old copies, include a description of the shrine they sealed Herobrine with! It's only too easy to summon Herobrine back into this world."

"Why would anyone want to summon Herobrine?" Lukas asked.

"Supposedly whoever summons him will get one wish," Ivor said. "I suppose the Ocelots could tell Herobrine not to hurt them."

"We've got to stop them," Jesse decided.

"Does the book specify where to build a shrine?" Lukas asked.

"As a matter of fact it did," Ivor said. "The shrine needs to be built in the same location as the original which sealed Herobrine away."

"And do you know where that is?" Petra asked.

"Do you think I'm am expert on Herobrine? Of course I don't know! I decided a long time ago that it was too dangerous to go messing with Herobrine!" Ivor complained.

"So much for that plan," Petra muttered.

"We'll just have to get a copy of the original and do it the old fashioned way," Jesse said. The ground trembled and a blast of cold air rushed down the street. A low laugh echoed from everywhere and nowhere at once. Jesse felt a tingle down her spine as the laugh faded into an eerie silence.

"I think we might already be too late," Ivor said quietly.

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