Chapter 7

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Jesse jolted awake to an empty cell.  Her mind was hazy as she blinked, glancing around. Where had Lukas gone?  And when had she fallen asleep?

Jesse had vague memories of talking with Lukas about an escape plan.  They were going to mine their way out of the cell and into the world beyond.  Hopefully they could find a portal from there back home.

The door clanked open and Lukas entered the cell, grimacing.  Jesse stood to meet him.

"What happened?" she asked.  "I must have fallen asleep.  Did Herobrine take you?"

"Yeah," Lukas replied.  "He was questioning me about our world.  Turns out he was banished a very long time ago.  Back when villagers were the only ones who lived in the world, aside from Steve, Alex, Notch, and Herobrine himself."

"We need to get out of here tonight," Jesse said, examining the walls.  "Weren't we talking about an escape plan or something before?"

"That's right," Lukas agreed, nodding.  "But we can't yet."

"Why not?" Jesse asked, turning to face him.

"It's too dangerous," Lukas replied.  "You'll get hurt, and I couldn't stand it if that happened to you."

"Which is exactly why we need to leave sooner rather than later," Jesse answered.

"Jesse, I'm sorry, but we can't do that," Lukas told her.  "Because if you died, I don't know what I'd do with myself.  I really care about you, Jesse, and I promise I'll get you out of here alive.  You just have to wait."

As Jesse stood in shock, Lukas' eyes darkened.  He stared up at the ceiling as if he could see through it.

"Intruders," he muttered.

"What?" Jesse asked.  Lukas stepped forward and tapped Jesse's head before she could move away.  His eyes glowed white as she tumbled to the ground, unconscious.

"We'll continue this later," he said as his form changed.  Within moments he was Herobrine once again.  "For now, sleep well.  Destruction takes time and it won't be much longer before you never rest again."


Aiden stared at the burning shrine in the center of the throne room, fists clenched at his sides.  The shrine looked the same as its counterpart in the Minecraft dimension, which Aiden had just come from.

Herobrine entered the room, glaring at Aiden when their eyes met.

"What are you doing here?" Herobrine demanded.

"It's taking too long," Aiden complained.  "Why isn't Jesse dead yet?"

"You wished for destruction, not death," Herobrine replied.  "Destruction takes longer. You must totally break the person."

"Well, hurry up."

"Patience," Herorbine told him.  "You will take part in her destruction soon enough.  In the meantime, you can have your fun with Lukas."

"He's here?" Aiden asked.  "Is it safe to keep Jesse here?  What if he tries to rescue her?"

"She cannot be rescued," Hirobrine responded.  "She is in one of the most secure places in this world."

"That isn't good enough.  Why not the most secure?"

"Because that houses the most dangerous prisoner of all.  No need to waste that prison on a mere girl.  Now, am I correct in assuming you want to repay Lukas yourself?"

"You got one thing right," Aiden said.  He drew his enchanted sword and threw open a nearby door before setting out to intercept Lukas.

"I'm more right than you know," Herorbine said.  "And while you're busy, I'll deal with Jesse and finally end the bargain we made. Then I'll be free, and the world will be sorry I was ever banished."


The first room of Herobrine's castle was designed like a towering cathedral.  Lukas gazed upward at the netherbrick and glowstone chandelier, amazed at how huge the castle was.   Ejess and Kulas had stayed outside, warning that the fewer intruders who entered the castle the better.

Lukas closed his eyes and tried to remember the directions Ejess had given him.  The dungeon was supposed to be on the lowest floor.  The stairway to it was in the center of the castle, just beyond the throne room.

"Look who decided to show up," a familiar voice growled.  Lukas opened his eyes.  Aiden held an enchanted diamond sword and stood at the end of the room, blocking the door Lukas had to go through to reach Jesse.

"What are you doing here?" Lukas demanded.

"I'm the one who summoned Herobrine, I can go wherever I want," Aiden retorted.

"You're crazy.  You don't know the kind of power Herobrine has. After he's done with Jesse, he'll kill all of us. Everyone. And we won't be able to stop him."

"You're the one who's crazy. I know exactly the power Herobrine has. I summoned him. And now I'm finally getting what I want."

"I don't have time for this. Get out of my way."

"No." Aiden raised his sword. "I won't let you reach Jesse and ruin this for me."

Lukas drew his enchanted sword as Aiden advanced.

Minecraft Story Mode: Darkness RisingWhere stories live. Discover now