Chapter 13

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Step.  Step.  Scraaaaaape.

That was the sound that preceded Jesse and Anide as they worked their way through the castle. The stepping was Anide as he slowly marched forward, supporting Jesse with one arm as she leaned heavily on him. The long scrape was Jesse as she was half-dragged forward one painstaking step at a time.

Anide halted at an intersection. For a moment he thought he had heard shouting in the distance. He strained his ears, staring intently in the direction of the sounds.

"Is everything ok?" Jesse mumbled. Anide glanced down at her, feeling his heart swell in his chest. He held her tighter.

"Everything is fine," he replied. "Just hold onto me. I'll get you out of here, I promise."

Jesse nodded weakly and slumped further against him. He picked the hall to the left. If he remembered correctly, it would lead to the maze of walkways in the basement of Herobrine's castle. From there Anide could bring Jesse to the portal back to her own world. People there could take care of her.

When did this feeling start? Anide wondered. This feeling of intense protectiveness for Jesse. It was overwhelming, though not entirely unexpected. The same emotion arose when he was around Ejess, but it was also followed by an intense feeling of dislike. Ejess was evil. And everybody knew that Kulas was head over heels for her. But Jesse?

I can't be thinking about this right now, Anide ordered himself. This is about helping Jesse. Not anything else.

He could recall the moment he'd first seen her perfectly. She was standing alone in the dining hall, looking thoroughly defeated and in pain.

Anide's first instinct was to run to her side and save her from everything, from all the darkness in the castle, from Herobrine himself if that was what it came to. But it couldn't be more obvious that she didn't trust him, at least at first. It was all the fault of Aiden, his Other. He hurt Jesse. He was to blame.

"Stop," Jesse whispered. Anide halted immediately. "I think I here someone coming."

Now that Anide was listening he could hear the sound of approaching footsteps from somewhere up ahead.  He took a step back, wishing that he had a weapon to defend Jesse with.  Maybe he could bluff his way out of the situation if it was another reflection coming their way.

The owner of the mysterious footsteps finally came into view.  Anide frowned.  It wasn't a reflection.  It was another Other.  And what was more, Anide recognized him.  It was Kulas' Other.

"Jesse?" the Other called.  He was limping, ragged, and exhausted looking.  Jesse's eyes lit up when he called her name.

"Lukas?" she called back.

Oh.  So that's what he means to her.

The battle was lost before it even started.

"Jesse, I'm so glad I found you!" Lukas said.  He hurried forward as quickly as his limp allowed.

"Wait," Jesse warned.  Her eyes narrowed.  "Prove you're really on my side."

"Prove?" Lukas repeated.  His eyes brightened.  "Oh, you think I'm Herobrine.  That's easy.  I came across him earlier.  You can always tell when he's using someone else's form.  He leaves black footprints.  I'm the real Lukas.  I remember when we fought the witherstorm, and when you and your friends competed against the Ocelots for the building competition.  But if it makes you feel better, I'll stay a couple feet away from you guys."

"It's Lukas," Jesse confided to Anide.  He frowned.

"Are you sure?  I've never seen Herobrine leave black footprints before."  Then again, I've never seen Herobrine take anybody's form at all.

"I'm sure.  I came across black footprints before you found me.  I stayed away from them."

"Good idea," Lukas said.  A look of concern came over his face.  "Here, let me help."

He moved forward and held out an arm.  Jesse said a soft "thank you" to Anide before moving to lean against Lukas.  He grinned down at her.

"Come on, I know the way out," he said, continuing down the exact same path that Anide had already been leading them down.

Maybe she trusts you more, Anide thought.  Maybe she even likes you.  But I'm not letting you out of my sight.  If you let her get hurt . . . Well, you'll regret it.

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