Chapter 10

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"I don't have to tell you anything," Aiden growled.  He stood up and spat out a clump of dirt in as dignified a way as he could manage. He'd show Herobrine not to teleport him whenever he felt like it. If Herobrine wouldn't kill Jesse, then Aiden himself would.

"You don't have to," Petra agreed as she tossed her golden sword from one hand to the other.  "But you definitely want to."

Aiden sneered at them and reached to pick up his enchanted sword.  Petra pointed her own sword tip at his chest.  "I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

"What are you going to do? Stab me? Already happened if you haven't noticed."

He tried to keep his voice as even as possible, but he was certain some of the hurt and fury still leaked into his words.

Lukas had done this to him.  Lukas! The biggest coward, biggest traitor, who ever lived.

"What are you talking about?" Ivor asked.  "There isn't a mark on you!  Clearly you've gone mad."

"What?"  Aiden reached up to feel his face.  There was nothing.  No scar, no damage whatsoever.  He was whole again.

I've healed you as a peace offering, and a bargain.  Herobrine's voice penetrated Aiden's mind.  It can stay that way.  I could even cure you, over and over, so you can't die at the hands of your enemies.  But in return you must have patience, you must follow my rules, and you must bring Jesse's friends to me.

Aiden grinned.  Immortality?  Being able to attack without ever fearing for his own safety?  Nothing could be better than that.

"It doesn't matter what I said," Aiden told the waiting Petra and Ivor.  They exchanged an uneasy glance as Aiden smiled.  "Let's talk portals."


Becoming conscious was like dragging herself out of quicksand. Some parts of Jesse's consciousness felt like they never left the quicksand. But she was awake, semi-functional, and able to escape.

She had to do it now.

She rolled over and closed her eyes, bracing for the pain that was about to come, then pushed herself to her feet.

Needles exploded in her brain. She gritted her teeth and waited for the agony to subside. When it did, she risked opening her eyes.

The cell was just the same as she remembered it. Well, vaguely remembered it. It was as if the portion of her mind which sorted through memories wasn't functioning anymore. She vaguely recalled that Aiden and Lukas were working together, but she couldn't remember seeing them do it. And she remembered something about Lukas being evil. But that couldn't be possible either, could it?

But what if it was?

She couldn't risk it. Unless she felt safe knowing that Lukas was on her side, she would stay away from him. She wouldn't ask him for help, she wouldn't include him in any rescue attempts, and she wouldn't, couldn't, let her feelings interfere.

Jesse pushed open the cell door and stumbled into the empty hallway, hoping and praying that she would have enough energy to escape Herobrine's prison.


Herobrine had forgotten what this was like. Feeling this emotions was a novel experience. He decided to take a moment to name them before continuing on to the next phase of his plan.

Anticipation. Satisfaction. And, dare he label it, hope.

Of course, there was an undercurrent of annoyance beneath it all. Annoyance at Jesse and her powerful will and trust for her friends. Annoyance at Lukas for interfering and following them to the castle. And most of all annoyance at that worm Aiden, the one who awakened Herobrine and then dared to disobey his orders.

But that annoyance was about to be dealt with, crushed beyond hope of returning. Herobrine would see to it.

His eyes glowed even more vividly white as they stared through the castle, tracking each of his pawns. Jesse, slowly moving down a dark hallway with the last of her strength. Lukas, lost in the maze of corridors, fighting back at the darkness inside. And Aiden, who appeared just moments ago through the portal with Petra and Ivor.

All of them key players in Herobrine's game. All converging on the same point in his castle.

The next phase of Herobrine's plan had begun.

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