Chapter 11

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"This is Herobrine's castle?"  Petra glanced around, taking in the netherbrick and glowstone decorations.  "Impressive."

"There's not enough lava," Ivor complained, but he too looked impressed by what he saw.

"Herobrine built it all himself," Aiden explained.  He glanced back at the burning portal behind them. I brought them to you, Herobrine.  Now what?

"You know this place best, where do we find Jesse?" Petra demanded.

"I can help," a soft voice replied.  All eyes turned to watch a figure emerge from the shadows.  "My name is Ejess.  I helped a friend of yours, but if you're here, that means something must have gone wrong."

"What are you?" Petra asked, lowering her sword from it's defensive stance.  "You look almost exactly like Jesse."

"I'm an inhabitant from this world.  Kulas is making sure the coast is clear.  If we want to find your friends, we need to hurry."

"I'll stay here," Aiden said.

"No you won't," Petra growled.  "You're coming with us."

"Why do you need me?  Herobrine hates me because I keep trying to kill Jesse.  The last thing he wants is for me to show up."

"He's telling the truth," Ejess added.  "I can sense it in his Ether."

That's unsettling, Aiden thought.  But at least they'll leave me alone now.

"Fine.  Stay here," Petra ordered.  She, Ivor, and Ejess hurried away.  Aiden grinned and drew his enchanted sword.

"So I can't kill Jesse," he said.  "Fine.  I've got a score to settle with Lukas anyway."

He turned and ran in the opposite direction the others had gone, towards the prison cells.

I wonder how long it will take them to realize they went the wrong way, Aiden thought.  He grinned.  Too long.


Something was up ahead.  Jesse could hear it.  But as to who it was, she had no idea.  It could be Herobrine.  It could be Lukas.  It could be Aiden.

Or it could be someone there to rescue her.

She glanced around the room.  It looked like a dining area, but it was clear it hadn't been used in a long time.  There wasn't anything out she could use as a reasonable weapon.  There also wasn't anywhere she could hide fast enough to avoid the approaching footsteps.

Which was why she was standing alone in the center of the room when Aiden entered.

For a moment they just stared at each other in shock.  Then Aiden dropped the platter of food he had been carrying and ran towards Jesse.

"Stay back, Aiden!" Jesse warned, holding up her fists.  "I can still hurt you without a weapon!"

Aiden skidded to a stop.  He frowned.  "I'm not Aiden.  Take a look.  And I promise I won't hurt you."

Jesse hesitated.  Now that she was paying attention, she realized that he was right.  This Aiden was wearing a red leather top and pants.  His skin was pale gray, his eyes were red, and his hair was a brilliant white.  He held up his hands in a gesture of peace.

"My name's Anide," he explained.  "Aiden, the one you've met, is probably my Other.  Especially since you're from the OtherRealm.  But what are you doing here?  You shouldn't be in Herobrine's Castle, it's not safe!"

"Other?" Jesse repeated.  It was taking her mind some time to catch up.  She squinted at Anide.

"This world is a reflection of yours," Anide explained.  "Stay here long enough and you'll meet your reflection, too.  But I wouldn't recommend it."

"Why not?"  Another Jesse could be useful.  Especially if she could help with escaping and defeating Herobrine!

"I mean reflection literally," Anide said.  He frowned.  "You're reflection here is the complete opposite of you.  You'd hardly be the same person.  Sure, you'll act more or less similar personality wise.  But if you want to help someone, your reflection wants to hurt them.  If you want to save someone, your reflection wants to kill them.  Which means if you were kidnapped and brought here by Herobrine, your reflection is evil and helping him do it."

"So you're the opposite of Aiden.  You can help me!"

"Can help?  I'd say will help.  I'm getting you out of here.  But we need to hurry.  Other reflections might show up any second, and it's only a matter of time before Herobrine finds out you've escaped."

Jesse nodded, physically and emotionally exhausted.  It was hard to bring herself to trust Anide, but he seemed sincere.  And what he said made sense.

Unless it was all an elaborate trap.

Even if it is, I need his help, Jesse admitted to herself.  I won't last much longer by myself.

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