Chapter 14

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The world was a haze of pain and darkness.  Lukas wasn't sure if he was dead, but he wasn't sure if he was alive.  He knew he should be dead.  And so should Kulas.  The fall was much too far for them to have survived so easily.

So what had happened?

Lukas slowly opened his eyes, squinting at the world around him.  He could see the balcony high above they had fallen from.  He could also see Kulas out of the corner of his eye, lying on his back not far away and breathing shallowly.  His eyes were closed.

Lukas stood gingerly.  The pain was starting to fade, leaving him to believe that he hadn't been injured in the fall.  Kulas didn't appear to be injured either.  Unfortunately, everywhere Lukas stepped still left black ashen footprints.

He noticed a piece of paper nearby and moved closer to read it.  It didn't take much to recognize the writing as Herobrine.

I've enjoyed watching the two of you fight to protect the versions of Jesse you love.  It's brought me a lot of entertainment in my castle, so in return I've saved both of your lives.  Perhaps you can learn a lesson from this.  While I do appreciate the laugh I receive while watching you tumble through the air to your deaths, you're both so predictable.  The same determination, the same fears, the same goals.  Change, and maybe you will beat the other.  May the best Lukas win.

Lukas turned away from the piece of paper and glanced at Kulas.  This was all a game to Herobrine.  He'd set them against each other.  He'd laughed as he watched them fight.  And he'd saved their lives, for what?  To pit them against each other again?

"I'm not going to play your game," Lukas growled.  "I'm going to find Jesse and get out of here if it's the last thing I do."

He glanced around, wondering where he should go next.  Walkways stretched above and below, each looking identical to the others.  After a moment's hesitation Lukas jumped to a lower walkway.  Hopefully when Kulas woke up he would think that Lukas stayed on the walkway they had fallen to.

Only then did Lukas remember the trail of black footprints he was leaving.

I'll just have to hope he isn't observant, Lukas thought ruefully as he stared at the black smudges of footprints.  It wasn't as if he could climb back onto the higher walkway anyway.  He'd already jumped.

All that was left was to move forward.


Lukas could hear voices up ahead.  He paused, listening carefully.  The maze of walkways was behind him but he couldn't afford to run into any reflections.  Or Herobrine himself.  Then again, the voices could be someone good.  Maybe even Jesse.

"Can't go much further."  Lukas' heart started pounding in his chest.  Jesse!

"It's not," a different voice promised.  Lukas frowned.  Aiden?  That was what it sounded like, but why would Aiden and Jesse be talking?  Must be an echo or something.

But this was Jesse.  Lukas was sure of it.  And she would need rescuing.  He quickened his pace, moving towards the voices.

"Thank you for saving me," Jesse's voice said.  "Couldn't have done it without you."

"I'm always here for you.  Always."

Lukas skidded to a stop.  That voice . . . those last words sounded like Lukas himself.  But that was impossible.  There was no way that Kulas caught up to Jesse, was there?

Unless this was Kulas, Ejess, and Aiden.  In which case Lukas needed to check anyway.  He couldn't afford to lose Jesse, not if there was the slightest chance that this was her.

"Lukas?  What are you . . ."

That sealed it.  She'd said Lukas.  This was the real Jesse, and something very strange was going on.  Lukas rushed forward again, picking up the pace.  How long was this hallway?

A corner loomed in front of Lukas and he broke into a run as he turned it, only to skid to a halt.  His brain couldn't understand the scene in front of him.

Three people stood in the hallway.  One of them was Aiden's reflection.  Same red clothes, white hair, pale skin.  The second person was Jesse.  The real Jesse.  And the third person?

The third person was Lukas.

And he was kissing her.

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