Chapter 5 "Tea"

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A white limousine with 4 escort black car arrived. Before the servant open the door of the limousine, a man with formal attire and in a tuxedo suit went out of the black car first and secure the area. Making sure that everything was in order and under control. One of the escort men opened the limousine and a young boy went out of the car. It was Philip Fortuna, the little brother Arthur who is the soon to be king of the England monarchy.

"Robert, please let the escort rest. Don't worry no one will harm me in this house." said Philip to the guy in black suit called Robert Will.

"Yes Your Highness" replied Robert, bowing down to show some respect to his master.

A loud voice of a girl caught their attention. It was Iris who was surprise seeing her little cousin which 2 years older than her.

"Philip! Philip! You're here!" said Iris who was running towards at Philip.

"It is nice to see you again Iris. I'm a bit bored lately in the palace so I decided to pay some surprise visit here. I also wanted to see Uncle Charles, Auntie Claire and Michael." said Philip who looked so happy when he saw Iris welcome him with a smile.

"My brother will arrive soon; father and mother are at the garden. Let's go have some tea there. I will make you a delicious tea." said Iris who grabbed Philip's right hand and walk him to their garden.

"Robert let's go." said Philip who turned his head to look at his private bodyguard.

"As you wish Your Highness" he replied and followed his master.

Iris and Philip headed to the botanical garden where Charles and Claire having a tea together. Passing through a long corridor, the servants who saw the prince bow down and show some respect to the family who rules their country in peace. After a few moments they reached the botanical garden.

Robert stayed outside the botanical garden to guard his prince while Iris and Philip went inside to join Charles and Claire.

"It's good to see you again Philip." said Claire who stood up and hugged her nephew.

"I'm so happy to see you Auntie Claire, Uncle Charles." said Philip.

"Iris, Philip have a seat now and join us here." said Charles who smiled at the young boy.

Both of them sat down. Iris served tea to Philip's tea cup.

"So where is your father?" asked Charles.

"He is currently busy right now. Father is hoping to get a good result this time." replied Philip.

"Did something happen to him?" Claire interjected.

"It's not that serious but father wanted the best. So I left the palace for today to let him do it." Philip answered.

"Next time you go in here bring Arthur with you." said Iris.

"Yes, of course Iris. I'm sure he misses you so much. Maybe he is now regretting not going with me in here to see you." said Philip.

At the entrance of the mansion, another limousine arrives. It was Michael's limousine together with the Sumeragi's Limousine.

The Eirlenhive servants assisted them and opened the door of the limousine. Michael went out first, followed by Mirai who rode in his car. On the other limousine was Aoi.

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