Chapter 12 "The Last Key"

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It was already four in the afternoon. As the snow gently falls, Iris arrived at the Turner Minor. She went out of the limousine "Renie please wait for me in here." she said. Iris was wearing a coat with fur on it and stylish peach-colored boots. She put all the things she needs inside her black Hermes bag. She went inside the Manor. No one from the Turner servants welcomed her. She even looked around before she entered and was surprised to find no cars parked inside the manor's ground. She opened the door and saw a servant of Turner standing beside the door.

"How may I help you Lady?" asked the servant in a black suit.

"The door will open for the person who seeks knowledge." said Iris hoping that will help her go to the underground meeting place of Abyssal Tempest. She said this because the organization is hidden and the only way for her to enter is if she will say the password.

The servant opened the door to the underground meeting place. "Welcome to the curse coven." said the servant. He paused for a moment to clear his throat and then he began to speak again. "The five beasts were waiting for you inside. I'll show you the way."

The servant showed Iris the way to the meeting place.

In the meeting place, the five people gathered together to wait for the one who summoned them.

"I didn't let the other members attend today's meeting to make sure that the one who send the message is not using the name of the Raven to do some unnecessary moves that will unveil the Tempest." said the guy wearing a black robe who was seated at the left edge of the table.

"Our key is not yet complete. We need more time to make sure that the culprit will not do something again." said the other guy on the right side of the table, beside the guy on the edge.

"I know we can do this to give justice to him." said the girl seated on the left edge.

When they arrived at the place, Iris saw a table with lots of chairs. There she saw five people waiting for her. It was dark and she doesn't know who they are. The servant stayed on the door in the entrance and closed it. Iris sat on the chair that was engraved with the word "Raven" on it.

To know the person behind the message that was sent to them, they opened the light to unveil the face of the person. They were surprised to see a little girl in front of them.

"Iris?" said the first voice. It was Aoi.

"What are you doing here?" said the second person seated beside her. It was Reim.

"Reim, Aoi." said Iris. "I never thought that my answer to this riddle is correct."

"Since you are the one who summoned us here we don't have any choice but to make you the replacement of your brother." said Reim.

Aoi stopped Reim for saying such things to Iris. Aoi doesn't want Iris to be involved in this kind of thing. And why does Iris know the Tempest to begin with? Why is she suddenly here and even sending those messages to all of the Abyssal members?

"The last key is the one who comes to us Aoi." said Reim. "Michael will not lead his sister in danger if he was not prepared."

Aoi doesn't have any choice but to reveal the identity of the three persons who are with them. "Now that you pulled one of the strings, let me introduce you to the other three members of the higher chamber of the Abyssal." said Aoi. "The first one beside me is the Blue Rose, Ernest Turner, the one who owns this meeting place. The second one beside Ernest is Darwin Roberts, the King Fisher. The last one beside Reim is Claudia Twining, the Horse"

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