16-The Force is Strong With You, My Young Padawan

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Chapter Sixteen
The Force is Strong With You, My Young Padawan

After a short moment of hesitation and panic, I did't realize where we were going until we came across the familiar abandoned building. I was only completely calm once we had descended into his lair, and I spotted Graeme typing away at the computer.

Graeme jumped slightly when Static placed a hand on his shoulder, letting him know that we were there. Graeme looked at me and gave Static a look.

"I cleared everything up," He assured him, "Don't worry."

Graeme turned to face me again and gave me a reassuring smile. "In case you're still having doubts - don't worry. He seriously didn't do anything wrong," He said, "I was freaking out when I found out too."

"I still am sort of shaken up," I let out a gentle laugh.

"I think that includes the whole city too," Graeme smiled and spun the the office chair so that he was facing us better

"So, what are we doing tonight?" I asked Graeme and pulled up a chair beside him.

"Well," Graeme typed something into the computer, "I have multiple things on my agenda, and I'm still in the midst of going through my parents' old files, so I'm not totally sure what information we're looking for yet but hopefully we'll know soon."

"Graeme's been coming more often to work," Static added, "Usually he'll show up and work on his own, I already gave him the password for the door. He's doing great."

"Pfft," Graeme waved away Static's compliment, wearing a sheepish grin on his face that made me smile. "It's nothing, really."

"But don't you get the creeps?" I scooted closer to the edge of my chair, "You know, being all alone in an abandoned building? A Superhero's lair, to be exact."

"Super Villain," Static corrected me with a tone and I tried not to snicker.

"I was a bit hesitant the first time," Graeme admitted, "But the thrill is awesome. I mean, what if something bad does happen? The Supers will save me!"

I frowned a bit at his last statement. I felt a mix of worry and fear if that's what he thinks, and it made me wonder if there were other people who thought that. Supers won't always be there, it's just luck if they are. I don't like the idea of people depending on Supers to be there when they're in peril. Excepting a Super to save you should always be your last resort, and everyone should be able to think and defend themselves.

"What would you do if you were attacked then?" I asked him.

"I'd just wait for either of you two to show up," He explained with an adorable smile.

"But," I tried to find the right way to phrase it, "What if there were no Supers to save you? How would you defend yourself?"

He pursed his lips and looked to be deep in thought. "Hm, maybe I'd fight them?"

I nodded like I was a mother teaching her child what to do during a fire. "What else would you do?"

He shrugged. "I'd probably call 911."

"Yes," I nodded, "Remember it's either fight or flight."

"Or stall by starting a conversation about whether the moon landing was real or not." Static suggested with a laugh and I playfully shoved his shoulder.

"In the meantime," Graeme spoke again, "I think you should start using The Force."

I raised my eyebrows. "Force? You mean my shield?"

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