Chapter 1

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I dropped my purse on the counter and left my shoes in the kitchen as I walked in the house with Bentley on my hip. As I walked further into the house Jimbo, our black lab, came into view peacefully sleeping on the dog bed next to the couch.

"Mommy," Bentley whispered sleepily lifting his head from my shoulder, looking at me with his chocolate colored eyes, "are we home? Can I go to bed?"

I nodded slightly and replied in a hushed tones she put his head back on my shoulder, "you sure can bud! I'm bringing you up to your bedroom right now. And I'll tell ya what! Just because I had to pick you up late tonight I'll let you skip your bath tonight."

I didn't get a reply, which told me he was already out cold again. Taking a deep breath I made my way up the stairs with the sleepy little four year old still plastered to my side.

Slowly and carefully I got him in his pajamas and slid him under his sheets without waking him up from his deep slumber. I quickly turned his nightlight on and slipped out of the room, and turned off the lights, closing the door, "Night Bent love you."

As I walked down the hall the pads of my feet lightly hit the hardwood floor, causing a few creaks with each step. I sighed loudly and walked into Luke and I's room closing the door behind me, leaving it open a crack so Bentley could come in if he needed to.

It's been hard the past two months without Luke being home. Despite him calling every night I can't help but miss him more than I probably should.

Work has got me working at least an hour of overtime each night, which causes me to pick Bentley up at seven o'clock at the earliest. The guilt always eats me alive, because not only does he not get to see his daddy very often, but he barely gets to see me anymore.

Two more days and Luke would be home for three days. Even though that's not enough, it's something and I'll take it. I can't wait to see the look in Bentley's eyes when he see his dad. It's always great to see Luke using his Fatherly skills- it always melts my heart.

I began to get ready for bed only to be interrupted by my phone ringing in the back pocket of my jeans that were in a pile on the carpeted floor near the closet. Squatting I pulled the phone from my pocket and sat down on Luke's side of the bed letting out a shaky breath before pressing answer, "Hey Babe."

"Hey Darlin', I just thought I'd call and see how you and Bentley are doin'," Luke smooth southern drawl came from my phone. I've missed his voice since the last time I'd talked to him. If only he knew how draining emotionally and physically work was today.

If he were home he'd just pull me in a hug and let me know that everything would be alright. I wish I could have that right now. I need his warmth.

"Fine," I replied curtly and gave the wall in front of me a death glare, "I just put Bentley to bed. He was really tired today." I left out the part that we just go home, because I would never hear the end of it. Luke doesn't like me working late and taking care of Bentley. He'd rather have me call his mom if I need help. I don't blame him, I feel bad for the kid spending most of his time at daycare.

"Oh darn. I miss my little guy, wanted to tell him goodnight and how much I love him," Luke mumbled and let out a stiff chuckle, "are you sure you're okay though Darlin'? You sound tired and really stressed out right now." Luke could always tell if something was wrong, even if it was just by my voice. That's how I knew he was the one from the beginning.

"Luke, I'm perfectly fine. Just really tired right now. Bentley had me up at three am because of the thunderstorm that rolled through this morning," I lied knowing damn well Bentley isn't afraid of thunderstorms anymore.

"If you're sure Charlotte," Luke said sounding unsure, "I love you... Sleep great tonight. And... I'd trust you to tell me if something was really wrong."

"I'm fine Luke, I love you too. I'm sorry we couldn't talk more. Hope your show was great tonight," I mumbled and laid back on our bed with my eyes closed, "I love you so much. Can't wait to see you in two days."

"I love you too Char. See you soon," He replied before disconnecting the call. I just stayed there with my eyes closed until the operator came on. Slowly opening my eyes I turned off my phone and got ready for bed just thinking about Luke.

It'd be so much easier if he were here. I could have me time, I could hug him and hold him and tell him how much I love him. And Bentley could have more of a life outside of daycare.

As I turned out the lights, it hit me. I'm basically a single mom 75% of the year. And it's not like I can leave home and take Bent on tour, I've a job and don't want to depend on Luke. And Bentley needs to have somewhat of a normal life.

I crawled under the sheets; laying on my stomach with both my arms under my pillow letting tears slip from my eyes and onto the white pillow case.

I don't know if I can do this much longer. Especially if we want at least one more kid in the near future. And, Luke can't give up his career in music. I can't take that away from him. Reassurance. That's what I need, I have no one to tell my troubles openly to.

The few tears running down my cheeks turned into a silent sobbing fit and a choked up breath. I can't do this. I really can't.

I need Luke. And I need him now. 


So! What did you think?!?! Please let me know in the comments! 

- Thanks guys! :) 

JJ :) 

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