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I was awoken by the shriek of JJ in the middle of the night when Luke quickly sat up beside me. "Let me," was all he said and quickly jumped up, walking over to the crib and turning the little night light on.

I sat there and watched as a shirtless Luke bent over and swept JJ up into his arms and rocked him back and forth, slowing his cries. As JJ became silent Luke began to sing softly, thinking I was still asleep,

"Windows down, country sound FM on the radio
Just me and you and the man on the moon
Crusin' down some old back road."

Luke stopped singing and placed a kiss on the baby's head before putting JJ back in his crib peacefully, "goodnight baby boy. I love you." I quickly laid back on the bed and silently awaiting for Luke to lay back in the bed after I heard the click of the night light. 

Once he did he laid down on his stomach with his face toward me. I turned my head towards Luke, "I love you, Luke. You're such a great man."

Luke let out a long breath and quickly mumbled, "I love you too. You're the best, Baby."

"Can," I paused and maneuvered myself closer to Luke, "can you sing to me, babe?"

"What do you want me to sing ya," he asked and moved his arm so the knuckle of his left hand was resting on my cheek bone and his thumb was running back and forth on my cheek.

"It's up to you babe. Just something to put me to sleep," I whispered back and placed the palm of my hand on Luke's scruff. I could feel his breaths.

"Alright... Well..."

His angelic voice came out, "Let it fade to black
Let me run my fingers down your back
Let's whisper, lets don't talk
Baby, leave my T-shirt in the hall."

Luke stopped singing and leaned in and placed a slight kiss on my forehead, "I love you Charlotte. Sleep well baby."

And just like that I was out like a light.

When I was woken up Luke was back over by the crib and light was silently rocking Justin back and forth in his arms. He was still shirtless and his scruff thicker than normal. I slowly swung my feet to the side of the bed and got up walking next to Luke, "did you change him yet?"

Luke didn't even look up at me, "yeah. When I woke up he was just staring up at the ceilin' with his big brown eyes."

I nodded and motioned for Luke to give me Justin, "hey there baby boy. How are ya this morning?" He just looked at me and cooed.

I sighed and looked up at Luke, "do you have to leave next week?"

Luke sighed and moved behind me so his arms were around my waist and his head was resting on my right shoulder. "It'll only be 3 weeks and then I'll be home for a very long time. I'll be taking time to make my new album then I can take some time to just be at home with you and the kids."

I sighed and leaned into Luke without saying a word.

"Ya know, I find it amazing. I still don't know exactly who he's going to look like. We could tell almost instantly with Bentley. With JJ it seems that he's different every day," Luke noted aloud and placed a little kiss on my neck.

"I know. I really hope he looks likes spitting image of you just so I can have a piece of you when you're away," I mumbled as a few tears ran down my cheeks.

"Put Justin down," Luke demanded and let go of me. I slowly put him down in his crib.

Luke quickly spun me around, "Don't worry baby. Once the kids are old enough... We can all go out on the road together and see the country together. I promise."

- it's really short, and I'm sorry for that. But I have you enjoyed the book!! :) and thank you for all the positive vibe guys!

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