Chapter 8

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"Luke," I called while running toward Luke when he arrived to the house and was getting down from his truck.

"Hey there Baby," he whispered into the crook of my neck as I ran into his arms and was swung around in circles. My legs were soon wrapped around his waist.

"I missed you so much! You've no clue at all how much I've missed you," I cried and hugged him tighter and took in his scent that I've missed so much.

"I've missed you too Darlin'. I've missed your kisses. And your beautiful blue eyes. And I've missed your hugs. And your cuddles. And you. I've just missed you, baby," he informed and put his hand on the back of my head and cradled it into his shoulder as I cried.

I slowly pulled away and looked into his chocolatey brown eyes. They're so beautiful. I quickly leaned in and smashed my lips hard into his. When we pulls apart he looked into my eyes and put me back down in my feet.

"Where is Bentley," he asked and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked into the house together.

"He's takin' his nap right now. He was really tired today 'cuz he decided to run around with Jimbo this mornin'," I chuckled, "He decided to chase around the poor puppy for an hour. Jimbo basically crashed after that. And I can't blame him."

Luke chuckled as well and opened the front door for me. "That's definitely your son! I would never do anything like that," Luke joked and closed the front door behind me.

"You go with that Luther," I shot back and giggled before grabbing his hand and leading him to the living room where I made him sit down and cuddle with me.

"Babe," I mumbled after a few minutes of a comfortable silence and listening to Luke's heartbeat.

"What's up," he quickly asked in return and slightly tightened his grip around me.

"I've a surprise for you tonight. I'm not sure if it'll go good or bad," I confessed and looked into his brown eyes again.

"Okay," it came out as more of a question than an actual answer. Confusion swam in his eyes as he looked down at me. "Are you okay at least? Is Bentley okay?"

"Yeah Luke, both of us are completely fine," I started, "I promise. Neither of us are hurt. We're just fine."

"DADDY," Bentley's voice bounced throughout the house as Bentley bounded down the steps to see Luke and I together on the couch. The four year old came running over and hopped on the two of us before wedging himself in between Luke and I. He quickly hugged Luke instead of giving me any attention.

"Hey there Buddy," Luke quickly reacted and unwrapped his arms from me to give Bentley a tight hug.

"I missed you so much daddy," He said looking up at his father with awe in his eyes that were identical to his father's. "And guess what!"

"What Bud," Luke asked with a big smile on his face and his full attention on Bentley.

"I runned after Jimbo for two whole hours today! He wouldn't let me ride him! But I wanted to sooooo bad," Bentley cheerily told Luke using his improper English.

" 'ran' bud, not 'runned'," Luke corrected as he tussled Bentley's hair and chuckled, "I love ya little man!"

"I love you too daddy!"

The rest of the night went by pretty quickly. I was laying in bed reading with my day clothes on still when Luke came in the room, "He's such a ball of energy, made me read him 2 bedtime stories."

I chuckled and replied, "ya know, he only likes getting bedtime stories from you. He refuses from anyone else. Well sometimes he likes them from Bailee..."

Luke began to pull off his shirt and unbuckled his jeans, pulling them down which left him in his boxer briefs. "Is that so?" I nodded.

"Baby, why are you still in your day clothes," Luke questioned as he looked me over in my baggy camo hoodie and jeans.

"Well... It's kinda part of your surprise in a way," I trailed off and looked at him with an unsure look playing on my face and began pulling down on my pants.

"Baby! We can't get frisky, you haven't had any whiskey," he joked and smiled his golden smile.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I began to pull up on my hoodie, revealing the slight bulge of my stomach and pink bra.

Luke had the look of pure shock on his face as he looked between my stomach and my face multiple time.

"Charlotte... Are you," he got choked up and coughed a bit, "Are you pregnant?"

I nodded and watched as his facial expression turned from confused to surprised to him walking over to me and pulling me in for a hug. I instantly hugged back began crying into his bare chest. He pulls the two of us over to the bed and pulled me into his lap as I continued to cry.

"Shh baby, I'm here now. I'm here, I promise," he said in a hushed, calm, soothing tone and petted my hair.

As my crying slowed down he pulled away and looked at me, "Now, I know it wasn't supposed to happen this way... But, oh well. We'll do everything in our power to give this baby the life it deserves." I nodded slowly.

"How long have you known," he asked as I got out of his lap and went to blow my nose with the tissues that were sitting on the bed stand in my side of the bed.

"S-since Sunday. I wanted to wait to tell you in person... Are you mad," I replied and blew my nose almost violently.

"No, of course not. I'm happy you waited to tell me... Ya know, as long as you didn't wait a month to tell me," he informed and slowly walked to his side of the bed before getting in. "How far along are you," he added.

"18 weeks and four days tomorrow," I told him and wiped my eyes with a new tissue.

"It's been that long since I've been home? I'm so sorry baby. I really am. When.. When are you due," he asked as his brown eyes soaked of worry.

"April 18th," I informed and sat down on my side of the bed and looked over at him with sadness playing on my face.

"I'm scheduled to be in tour... I'll... I'll reschedule a few show's once the baby is born," he offered and leaned across the bed to feel my belly.

"Oh. Can you feel that? It's moving. It must already love you Luke," I whispered and put my hand over his much larger warm one.

Luke shook his head no. "Well," he leaned over further and placed a kiss on my cheek then my little belly, "I love both of you very much."

That went much better than I expected. 

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