Chapter 5

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I sighed and looked down at the two little white sticks with the two pink lines on both sitting on my sink. "So much for waiting," I grumbled and slid both tests into the garbage.

What and I supposed to do? It's been four months since I last saw Luke... And now Luke will be home later week because his tour is over... But he'll be going back on tour the day after New Years. He'll only be home a month.

"Mommy," Bentley yelled through the door as he started hitting the door, pulling me out of my thoughts. I quickly rolled up a bunch of toilet paper and threw it over the tests before opening the door. The four year old had an anxious look on his face.

"What is it bud," I exclaimed as I squatted down to his level and looked into his deep brown eyes.

"Jimbo ran out of food and I don't know where it is so I can give him some more," Bentley complained and pouted a little.

I chuckled and picked him up, resting him on my hip, "Okay, Bud, I'll show you where it is!" I began walking down the stairs and into the kitchen where I walked straight to the pantry. I put him down and opened the door. Then I reached in and grabbed the cup. "Now bud, the most you can give him at a time is 2 scoops otherwise he'll eat too much and get sick."

Bentley nodded rapidly and quickly reached for the cup. I happily let him and watched him pour the one scoop into the dog bowl. "Hey Bentley, why don't you go and watch some cartoons while I make a phone call," I mentioned as he put the cup back into the bag.

"Okay, mommy," he replied and walked into the living room with a big smile playing on his face. He plopped down on the couch and began flipping through the channels.

I slowly walked outside onto the back patio while dialing the number I needed.

"Dr. Tannum's office, how may I help you," a woman asked on the other end of the line.

"Hi... Uh... I'd like to make an appointment, for hopefully later this week," I told the receptionist and sat down in one of our patio chairs.

"Okay... Well, what is your name Miss," she asked as she began typing away on her computer.

"Uh Charlotte Bryan. I went to Dr. Tannum about four and a half five years ago when I had my son," I told her and switched my phone from my right ear to my left.

"Alright, Mrs. Bryan... I have an appointment tomorrow at 12:30 and one today, November 27 at 2:30 if you'd like. Otherwise we are jam packed with appointments until December 13th which is two weeks from now," she informed, "I could also let you know about cancellations if you'd like."

"Today is fine," I replied almost instantly. I want to get this done before Luke gets home on Thursday, "I'll see you then, thank you so much."

"You're welcome Mrs. Bryan! We'll see you then," the receptionist replied and then disconnected the line.

I sighed and made my next call- my best friend, Bailee. As I sat there waiting for her to pick up I tapped my foot impatiently. "Hey Charlotte! What's up? How are you," Bailee asked with her usual cheery voice.

"I'm uh okay... But uh, I think I'm pregnant again," I told her shakily and let out a long breath.

"You what?!? Oh my god! This is great Charlotte! I'm so happy for you and Luke! I didn't know you were trying for another one," Bailee practically screeched at the other end.

"Uh yeah," I replied calmly, "we uh wanted another one... But not right now... And he doesn't know yet... That's why I'm actually calling you. Can you come over like right now so I can go to an appointment... And uh, you know... Get it confirmed?"

"Yes! I love Bentley so much," she yelled causing me to pull my phone away from my ear so it's eardrum wouldn't burst.

"Thank you so much, Bailee. And then maybe we can talk afterwards," I asked with an unsure tone playing in my voice.

"Okay! I'll be right over! You have no clue how happy I am for you and Luke, Char! I'm leaving now! I'll see you in a few," Bailee notified and quickly hung up.

I slowly got up and walked back inside to where Bentley had decided on watching SpongeBob. "Hey bud," I said drawing his attention, "Aunt Bailee is coming over in a little bit so I can run a few errands!"

"Yay! I love Aunt Bailee," he cheered and stood up on the couch, jumping up and down. He soon calmed down and went back to watching SpongeBob.

I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the island answering one of Luke's texts from earlier.

13:27 November 27


Bentley has been great lately. I can't wait for you to come home in Thursday, I love you! <3

Next thing I knew was Bentley was screeching from the living room, "Auntie Bailee!!!"

I jumped up and walked in to see Bentley on Bailee's hip and Bailee giving Bentley a kiss on the cheek. He had a big goofy smile much like his father's playing on his face.

"Hey Bailee, thank you for coming with such short notice! It means a lot," I thanked and went to grab my purse from the kitchen with Bailee hot on my heels.

"It's no problem girl! I'll always be here for ya! Now go so you can check in and fill out the paperwork," she demanded and began pushing me toward the door.

My drive to the doctors was completely silent. I couldn't take the radio. I really couldn't. It's crazy. I thought we were going to wait. Will Luke even want this baby? Oh man. I really thought we were going to wait. 

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