Chapter 9

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The next morning when my alarm went off I quickly got out of bed and swiftly moved to the bathroom, being careful to not wake Luke up in the Process. As I got ready I slowly felt a craving of Peppermint tea which is what I always drank when I had morning sickness with Bentley.

So, as soon as I was done with my getting ready I placed a light kiss on Luke's forehead as he slept and then made my way down to the kitchen to make myself some tea and find something to munch on for breakfast. As I was sitting at the island playing with the tea bag that was soaking in the hot water of my mug someone came bounding down the steps.

When I looked up I saw Luke coming around the corner stretching with only his boxer briefs on. "Mornin'," I mumbled and quickly looked down at my phone.

"Hey Baby," Luke replied with sleepiness still soaked in his voice as he sat down next to me.

I continued to scroll through Twitter on my phone until Luke spoke again, "Did you get sick this mornin'? You'd always have peppermint tea after you got sick when you were pregnant with Bentley."

I rapidly shook my head and simply replied, "I had a craving for it. I knew there was a reason I never threw it out like you wanted me to."

"Oh," he replied dumbfoundedly and tried to rub the sleepiness from his eyes, "what time are ya goin' to work now-a-days?"

"Generally I'll leave at like eight and then take Bent to daycare... But I can probably leave at 8:15ish now since you'll be home for the next month," I told him and let out a long sigh.

"What's wrong baby," he questioned and looked at me with concern swimming all over his face as he leaned against the counter.

"I just... I don't really know how to feel about your reaction about the baby... We- we were supposed to be waiting Luke. I just... Thought that you'd be mad. I thought that you'd maybe freaking and need a little thinking time," I told him and put my head in my hands. I'm all out of tears, there's no way I'll be crying over this.

"Well Darlin'," Luke's soothing voice mumbled as his large hand ran up and down my back, "sometimes... You just gotta go with the flow... And even if the time isn't necessarily right right now I'm completely over the moon happy that we'll be having another baby."

I sighed and looked over at him with one eye, "you really mean that? Cuz I just... I can't even cry about feeling unright or... I don't even know."

"Of course I do baby. When I told you the time wasn't right, and I can tell you this in all honesty, I meant... The time wasn't necessarily right for you with your stress. I'd be happy about a baby anytime we can have one," he whispered and gave me a reassuring smile.

I let out a puff and shook Luke's had off my back, pulling him in for a tight hug. "I love you... But... I kinda gotta get goin' Luke," I mumbled into his warm bare chest.

Luke stroked my hair and placed a light kiss in my hair, "alright Baby, have a good day at work. I love you."

"I love you too," I whispered and placed a kiss to Luke's bare chest, just above his left nipple and then one on his cheek, then his lips.

As I got out to the car I let out a long sigh. Something tells me that it's going to be a long day.

The day went on, and boy was I right. When I got to work I had four reports sitting on my desk waiting for me. That's what happens when you take a day off.

It was about 7:30 when Cathy knocked on my door and popped her head into my office, "Hey Charlotte, are you okay being here alone? Because I really gotta get going."

I looked up from my computer screen and nodded, "yeah! I'm fine. I'll lock up! And I'm sorry if I made you stay later than you'd have liked!"

"No, it's fine! I had a few things I had to do," she replied with a smile on her face.

"Alright... We'll have a great night and weekend Cathy!! I'll see you Monday," I told her with a smile and then turned back to my computer screen.

"Thank you! You too, Charlotte," she mumbled and walked down the hall, out the front door. She made sure to lock it behind her so no one could get in.

I sighed pushing myself away from my desk and leaning down to grab my phone from my purse.

19:37 December 2

Hey Luke, sorry got held up at work. No clue when I'll be home. Love you.


After stuffing my phone back in my purse I turned back to my computer screen and tried to make an arrangement on how the delivery route should go for one of our company's trucks. My eyes slowly began to close and soon I was out like a light.

I was walking hand in hand with Luke while we watched Bentley play on the jungle gym at the park. Luke had a huge smile on his face as he looked at me in the eyes and then down at my swollen stomach.

"I can't wait until it's born Char, it'll look a little like me and have all of your amazing features like your beautiful blue eyes, beautiful complexion, amazing teeth and so much more," he whispered and rested his free hand on it as we sat down on a park bench.

Next thing I know is there's a bunch of commotion and all of a sudden there's a sharp, shooting pain in my left shoulder. It was all in Slow motion... But it all happened so fast, shots were being fired and Luke quickly jumped over me to shield my body as he kept yelling my name.

I shot up from my desk realizing that someone was banging on the office's front door and calling my name. I looked around and saw that it was 9:30 already. As I sluggishly made my way to the door to unlock it I could see Luke standing there with a worried look on his face.

I reached and unlocked the door only for him to engulf me in a tight warm hug, "don't ever scare me like that again. You had me worried sick!"

"I'm sorry," I mumbled into his soft blue shirt, "I didn't mean to. I fell asleep while working on one of the reports that I had to do."

Luke just continued to hug me tightly, "let's get you home. You need your sleep, Darlin'."

I slightly nodded and pulled away, "I gotta finish this schedule. Then I can go. I'll meet you at home babe... Hey where's Bentley?"

"He's out like a light in the car. He and I had a fun day in Nashville. And, nope. There's no way I'm letting you drive with how tired you are," he told me raising his eyebrows in seriousness.

I sighed and grumbled, "Fine. Give me 10 minutes."

Sometimes that man.

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