Chapter 7

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"Hey baby," Luke's smooth, concerned, voice came through the phone.

"Hi Luke," I replied as I put my book down down in my lap. I was currently in bed reading before going to bed.

"Are you okay? You never answered my text earlier," Luke ranted, "Baby, I'm worried about you. Is Bentley really treating you right?"

It took my all to not tell him then and there about everything that's happened today. I want to wait to tell him in person, with him coming home in 4 days. "There's nothing wrong, Luke! Bent has been just fine! I just really miss you. It's draining not having you around lately," I mumbled and closed my eyes keeping my phone to my ear and leaning against the headboard.

Luke's tone instantly turned to sympathetic, "Oh, Darlin' I'm so sorry. I promise I'll be home soon. I promise I will. Then I'll be home for a month and Christmas. It's not the full Holiday season you wanted, but it's most."

I let out a little chuckle, "I know, Babe. It's okay. Your career is important to you, I completely understand! I really do!"

"If you say so Char," He whispered through the phone and then quickly added, "Are you sure there isn't something you're not telling me Charlotte? I want to make sure you're okay!"

"Luke," I scolded, "I'm perfectly fine! I swear! Like I said, I'm just tired and I really miss you. I can't wait until you can come home."

"I can't wait to be home, Baby. I miss you so much and I really wish I could call, earlier, before Bentley went to bed. I want to talk to my little man! I really miss him... And you. Have I told you that," Luke's loving voice came through.

I giggled and opened my eyes, "I love you too, Luke. And I'm sure Bentley would love to talk to you too. I bet that if you call tomorrow at like 7:30 our time he'd be able to talk to you... You're on the east coast, right? So it'll be 8:30 your time."

"I'll see what I can do Darlin'. I really do miss him. Talking to you on the phone every day doesn't do it. I miss your beautiful flawless face too," Luke told me being the charmer that he has for the past ten years.

"And I miss your scruffy face and rough hands. I also miss your cuddles," I almost instantly replied to him and scooted down in the bed so I was laying, now staring up at the ceiling.

"Darlin' I'm gonna have to let you go," Luke yawned, "I'll call tomorrow morning. I really want to talk to my little man."

I smiled at that and quickly replied, "I love you, babe. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Sleep well!"

"I love you too Darlin'. And you sleep well too. I don't want your beautiful face to have dark bags under its eyes. Have wonderful dreams of seeing the Nashville Predators and cute puppies... Oh and me," I could just picture him winking as he said that.

"Goodnight Luke," I whispered and waited for a reply only for him to disconnect the line.

Oh well. I sighed and plugged my phone in before putting my book in the bedside drawer. Once I turned off the lights and put my head down in the pillow, I was sleeping like a baby.

When I woke up there was a huge crash of thunder over the roof. I let out a grumble and turned off my alarm because let's face it, I'm up now. Even if it is like an hour before I need to actually wake up.

"Ugh," I mumbled and got out of bed going straight for the bathroom to get ready for the day. As I began to strip my clothes I looked at myself in the full body mirror. There was a slight bulge at the bottom of my stomach. How did I not notice before? It's hard to miss.

I quickly jumped into the shower and then got ready, getting Bentley up at 7:20. Hopefully Luke will call in 10 minutes. I know Bentley wants to talk to him. His misses his daddy.

"Hey Bentley, let's go down to the kitchen and I'll make the two of us breakfast," I offered as I guided Bentley down the hall and to the stairs.

"Okay! But mommy, you like never eat breakfast," he exclaimed and bounded down the steps with happiness in his voice.

"I know Bud, but I've decided that I probably should. It's healthier for you," I told him and walked over to the fridge and pulled out the eggs.

Just as I did my phone began to vibrate on the counter. I quickly shuffled over and slid the answer button and put it on speaker, "Hey Sweetie!"

"Hey there Darlin'," Luke's smooth voice came through.

The look on Bentley's face was priceless. "DADDY! It's you! I miss you," Bentley screeched and stood up on his chair at the kitchen table.

Luke laughed his golden laugh before replying, "I've missed you too Bent! I can't wait to come home and see you in a few days!"

"Daddy! Guess what," Bentley called with excitement plastered all over his face. I wish Luke could see how happy Bentley is.

"What is it Buddy," he asked and let out a little chuckle at his son's excitement. I could only picture the look on Luke's face.

"Mommy is making us breakfast! We're having eggs," he cheered excitedly and then quickly ran up to my phone which was still sitting on the counter. "But they're never as good as yours Daddy," Bentley whispered into the receiver like I couldn't hear.

Luke began laughing pretty hard before replying, "well Bud... Just remember, Mommy makes way better spaghetti than I do. So I guess we're kind of even, huh?"

Bentley's brown eyes went big as he looked around the room and then back at my phone. "Yeah, I guess that's true. But... I can't wait until you can come home and make your eggs," Bentley said matter-o-factly.

"Okay Bud! I'll make them for dinner the first day I get back, how does that sound," Luke questioned with his smile showing in his voice.

"It sounds good Daddy! Now I gotta go, mommy just finished making breakfast," Bentley informed and walked over to the kitchen table and sat down waiting patiently for me to bring him his plate.

As I did so I picked up the phone and took it off of speaker, putting it between my ear and shoulder, "It's me now!"

"Hey there Darlin' how'd you sleep last night? Lord knows I slept well dreamin' about you and your beautiful self," Luke flirted. He never stops, I swear.

"I'm glad ya did, cowboy! I slept pretty well but woke up an hour early from the thunderstorm that rolled through," I informed and sat down at the table across from Bentley and took a bite of my eggs. Definitely not as good as Luke's.

"I'm sorry about that Darlin'," Luke trailed off.

"It's fine... When can we expect you on Thursday," I asked and took another bite of my eggs.

"Probably around Noon actually. I can't wait to see you guys. Do you want me to go to your work," he wondered letting out a little short breath.

"No, I'll just see you when I get home. You'll be picking up Bent, right," I questioned and took another bite.

"I sure will be... Listen baby, I gotta go, it's almost time for my morning workout... I love you, can you put Bentley on really quick," he asked.

"Yeah, here he is!"

Bentley quickly took the phone into his little hands, "Okay Daddy! I love you too!"

I smiled. Luke is such a great father and Husband. I don't know what I'd do without him.

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