Chapter 14

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I let out a long sigh and turned into my left side so I was facing Luke in our dark room. The last time I had looked at the clock it was 4:35. Luke's soft snores kept me calm and relaxed as another pain shot through my body. When I woke up to contractions I promised myself that I'd let Luke sleep until I absolutely needed to go.

I slowly closed my eyes and rested my hand on my stomach. As I rubbed circles on my stomach my breath hitched slightly. Then I began to drift off into a comforting sleep. When I woke up there were little slits of light coming from the bottoms of the shades in our room.

I looked over at the clock to see the clock reading 6:52. A huge sharp pain tore through my body as I clenched the bed sheets and quietly grunted, "Luke!"

Luke remained sleeping in his chest with his face toward me and his mouth slightly opened. I slowly unclenched my hand from the sheets and put my hand on Luke's bare shoulder, shaking him lightly. "Huh," he kept his eyes closed as he spoke. "Five more minutes Darlin'."

Some more pain lingered and I shook him again, "Luke, babe, please wake up."

"Why so early in the mornin'," his southern accent was a million times thicker than normal.

"Because... I think he wants out," I told him slowly and took my hand off his shoulder before I put it back on my stomach.

"He," Luke questioned and looked up at me with an eye opened, "Jimbo should be fine... Or do you mean..."

I nodded slightly and Luke quickly moved to get out of bed but got tangled up in the sheets and fell straight to the floor which caused me to let out a slight chuckle.

Luke quickly hopped up and looked at me with shock displayed on his face, "do you uh need help getting out of bed?"

I nodded slightly as he came over to my side and helped me sit up and swing my legs around to the side of the bed. "Now, you change and I'll grab your bag and then call the doctor," Luke spat and quickly ran over to the closet where he grabbed a new shirt and pulled it over his head. Then he quickly ran over to his drawer and pulled out a fresh pair of jeans.

Once he had them on he rushed out the door. I just sat there. A few seconds later he ran back in and quickly pecked my lips, "I love you Charlotte." Then he quickly ran back out of the room. I chuckled and stood up, waddling over to the closet.

I can't wait to not be carrying around all this extra weight.


When we got to the hospital Dr. Tannum was more than ready for us. They already had a room ready and a few nurses on standby. When the doctor came in he had a bright smile playing on his face, "Well, Ms. Bryan you know the routine! Open up!"

I opened my legs and looked over at Luke who was comforting me through the pain by holding onto my hand and rubbing circles on it with his thumb. "Alright, you are about 6 centimeters, would you like an epidural," Tannum asked and looked up at me and Luke.

I looked over and Luke, giving his hand a slightly tighter grip and then back at the Doctor before simply saying, "I'll take the epidural please."

"Alright Ms. Bryan, Noel will be right in the give it to you," the doctor informed and sent his normal warm smile our way.

I looked over at Luke and smiled bringing his hand up to my mouth, "I love you Luke. And I can't wait for him to be here with us and make us the happiest family of four ever."

Luke blushed slightly. The nurse came in a quickly gave me the epidural which soon relieved my pain. The next 3 hours were a complete blur until... I was holding my adorable baby boy in my arms with a light blue blanket wrapped tightly around his small body.

"Hey there buddy," I whispered and ran my thumb across his soft forehead. He scrunched his nose and looked up at me with wide eyes. "Welcome to the family. I love you very much...Now go and meet your daddy!" I leaned down and placed a peck on his little nose.

I looked up at Luke and handed the baby over to him. As Luke held him and looked into our sons eyes his white smile grew larger. "Hey there bud, thanks for not making your mamma be in pain for longer than 5 hours. I love you and I'm glad that you're finally here," he whispered and gave the baby a soft peck.

"Luke," I looked up at him waiting for his attention to be turned to me. Once I knew I had Luke's attention I spoke, "You know what day it is, right?"

Luke shook his head in disbelief and looked back to our son, "Welcome to the Bryan family Justin James Bryan."

"I told ya that he'd be born on March 22nd," I teased and stuck out my tongue.

Luke shook his head and then whispered, "He does look like a JJ. He really does, Char!"

"Never in a million years did I think my son would be named after a football player," Luke mumbled and sat in a chair next to the bed.

"What can I say? JJ Watt is awesome," I replied as the two of us looked down at JJ.

"I shouldn't have married a Texans fan. That's where I went wrong, right buddy," he joked with JJ and chuckled when JJ scrunched his nose again.

"Knock knock," A voice mumbled as there were two knocks on the door. Luke and I looked toward the door to see Bailee with Bentley on her hip.

"Hey there Bentley," Luke said in a hushed tone, "you gotta be quiet. Your baby brother can't take loud noises."

Bentley was let down and he quickly came over, Luke let him see JJ and said, "Bentley, this is your baby brother JJ."

"Hi JJ. I love you," Bentley whispered as he looked at his younger brother.

Our family is perfect. I'm so thankful to be with Luke.

-- Epilogue next! Thanks for reading y'all!

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