Chapter 10

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"LUKE," I called up the stair and let out a large puff. They say girls take forever to get ready, well, Luke Bryan takes forever to get ready, "Let's get goin'! We can't be late for the appointment! And we gotta drop Bentley off at Bailee's!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Luke called back as he began bounding down the steps, "Is Bentley already outside?"

"Uh yeah, because you take too damn long," I said giving him a look as I slid my shoes on. I'm so lucky that my ankles haven't gotten swollen yet, but they probably will soon enough.

"I'm sorry baby," he whispered as he pulled me to him and placed a kiss on my lips, "can you ever forgive me?"

I giggled and nodded before pushing Luke toward the door while slapping his ass in the process. He turned around with one eyebrow raised and rolled his tongue before saying, "I'll take that as a yes."

I rolled my eyes and followed Luke out the door making sure the house was locked up. As I got to the car Luke was strapping Bentley in. Once he was done he came around the side of the car and got in the driver's seat making sure to buckle up before starting the car and pulling out of the drive way.

"Hey Bent, are you excited to see Aunt Bailee again," I asked and glanced back at him through the rear view mirror.

He rapidly nodded his head, "Yeah! And she told me she was gonna make Mac n' Cheese! She makes the best!"

I giggled and shook my head a little as Luke spoke up, "you mean my Mac n' cheese isn't good? I'm hurt."

"Noooo daddy! Yours is good! But... But... You're never home to make it and! And! Aunt Bailee's is just a teeny bit better then yours," he said in his normal adorable tone.

"Than buddy," I corrected but was basically ignored.

Luke seemed a little off guard when Bentley pointed out that he's never home. "Oh! Well, Look bud! There's Aunt Bailee waiting for you out on the front porch.I bet she's real excited to see you," He mentioned as he pulled into her driveway and tried to ignore what Bentley had said.

"Aunt Bailee," Bentley cheered and quickly got out of his door seat, jumping out when Luke unlocked the door. I looked over at Luke and gave him a sympathetic look. I slowly followed after Bentley who was already attached to Bailee's hip.

"Hey Bailee, thank you so much for watching him for us," I thanked and gave her a quick side hug, "Now we've gotta go 'cuz someone decided to take forever to get ready." I nodded over to Luke knowing he could hear because his window was opened. He just gave me a look.

I giggled and pulled opened the passenger door. Once I was in and buckled Luke pulled out of the driveway and gave me his unimpressed look again.

"Luke, you're way too easy sometimes! You know that, right," I told him, very amused at his antics.

"Shut up," he pouted adorably.

"You okay there Bentley? Huh buddy," I asked giving him a looked an eyebrow raised.

"You did not just go there Charlotte," he said getting all serious all of a sudden.

I laughed and shot back, "oh yes I did, Luke! And guess what! We're here! I'm outta here! Meet me inside when you decide to grow up."

"Hey now! That's not nice Char," he accused and put the truck in park as he looked over at me with a fake look of hurt playing on his flawless scruffy face.

"But in all honesty," I unbuckled my seatbelt and began to get down from his truck, "we gotta get goin'. We don't wanna be late."

When we got inside and checked in they were basically ready for us right away. Once we got to the ultrasound room Luke and I exchanged looks. "Whatchya think it is," he asked and held my hand tightly while I sat on the bed and he was in a chair next to me.

"I think it's a girl, but I really want another boy," I told him with a little smile playing on my face.

Luke gave me a raised eyebrow before replying, "really? I really want a girl. It'd be great to have Bentley be the protective older brother too. It'd also be great to have a daddy's little girl."

I let out a short laugh, "well, I guess we'll see. Although, it better be a boy." I winked at Luke.

Luke stifled a laugh and was cut off before he even said something because the doctor knocked on the door. "Come in," both Luke and I called at the same time.

Doctor Tannum swung the door opened and had his usual smile on his face, "well, are you two ready to find out what you're having?" We both nodded rapidly with small smiles playing on our faces.

"It's great to see you again Luke," Doctor Tannum greeted Luke with a handshake as he walked over to this ultrasound machine and started it up.

"You too doctor," Luke replied and went back to holding my hand tightly.

"Alright Charlotte, you know the routine! Up with the shirt," the Doctor demanded and grabbed his wand and gel as I pulled up my shirt and adjusted my waist band.

"So, Luke how was your tour," Tannum asked as he squirted it onto my stomach and spread it with the wand.

"Great," Luke replied, "But I'm very happy to be back home. I missed Charlotte and Bentley very much. I really wish I could take them on tour sometimes."

"Oh, I bet! I couldn't imagine being away as long as you are sometimes. But I do give you props for being as present as you are in their lives."

"Thank you Doctor," Luke replied and smiled ""brightly.

"Alright you two... Luke are you ready to see the baby for the first time? Are you two ready to hear the heartbeat," the doctor questioned as Luke and I nodded our heads rapidly. 

"Okay..." he leaned over and turned on the sound. We could hear a light thumping. A stray tear fell from my right eye and I quickly wiped it away. I looked over at Luke with a big smile. He quickly returned it and brought my left hand up to his mouth placing a kiss on it.

"Now, are you two ready to know the gender of the baby," the doctor asked and pulled the monitor closer to Luke and I. "Before I say anything what do you guys think it is," Tannum quickly added.

"Well," I started, "I really want a boy but I think it's a girl."

Then Luke piped up, "I think it's a girl and I really want a girl!"

"Well... Sorry to disappoint you Luke, but it's a bouncing baby boy! He looks to be in very good health and his growth seems to be right on track. Congratulations," the doctor told the tape of us.

"Hah," I laughed at Luke and leaned over to kiss his cheek, "I love you though. Very much."

Luke gave me a fake pout and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek, "I love you too... And as long as he's healthy. That's all that truly matters, baby."

And Luke is very right about that.

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