Chapter 12

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Sorry it's so short... Hope you enjoy! :)

"Luke babe, I miss you when will you be home," I asked into the phone as I placed my hand on my overly large stomach. It's February and the doctor has put me on bed rest. Only another month and a half. It feels like an eternity when I'm stuck in the house all the damn time.

"I miss you too baby. Only 23 days and I'll be home the rest of the pregnancy. Don't worry. I love you so much," he offered and let out a little breath.

"But that's so far away Luke. I swear I look like I'm 11 months pregnant for crying out loud. I just want him out of me. And it's hard feeling like I don't have any support from you. I'm stuck in the damn house," I complained and let out a grumble.

"Baby, Charlotte, you are overreacting. Don't worry. The next 23 days will whip by quickly. Today is the 25, and I'll be there on the 20th next month. Time will whip by before you know it," Luke replied calmly.

I shook my head rapidly even though he couldn't see me, "You be stuck in a house, let alone a bed for like a week and tell me that. You'd go insane too, Luke. And don't tell me you wouldn't because I know you and you would."

He let out a chuckle, "I guess I see your point... But I promise, I'll be home soon. I love you. I have to go to sound check, text me when you go to bed."

"Yes Father," I mumbled still frustrated with him, "have a great night."

"Thanks Baby... I love you... Have a great night and tell Bentley I love him next time Bailee brings him up," Luke responded smoothly, ignoring my major attitude.

"Yeah yeah, bye," I said and quickly hung up
Before staring ahead at the TV that currently had Doctor Phil on. Why? I've no clue at all.

I sighed and laid flat on my back before realizing I couldn't see over my huge stomach. Letting out a huff and propped myself up on my elbows and slowly got back into a sitting position. "So much for having a husband," I mumbled and swung my feet around to the side of the bed. "He's never here to help out. Why can he be here?"

A few tears started making their way out of my eyes and down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them away and stood up, flat on my swollen feet. Letting out a deep breath I slowly made my way out of Luke and I's room.

Once I made it down stairs Bailee and Bentley were sitting at the kitchen table playing checkers. Bailee looked up and her eyes went wide, "Charlotte! What are you doing down here! You're supposed to be in bed! The doctor doesn't want you walking around much," she exclaimed and hopped up from her seat.

"Mommy," Bentley called and ran up to me, wrapping his arms around my legs.

"Hey there Bud," I patted the stop of his head. "And Bailee, I'm completely fine! I need to see the world sometimes ya know!"

Bailee put her hands up in surrender and backed away before saying, "What do y'all want for dinner tonight?"

Bentley pulled away from my legs and ran towards Bailee, "PASGETTIE AUNTIE BAILEE!" Bailee looked toward me for approval. I nodded and waddled over to the table where I quickly sat down.

"Hey Bent, daddy called. He said that he loves you and misses you," I told him and picked up the people magazine that was sitting in the table.

"When will daddy be home?!? I miss him too," Bentley complained and plopped down in the seat next to me.

"So do I buddy. He'll be home in 23 days I believe. Just hang in there," I replied as I ruffled his hair while still flipping through the magazine.

"Can time go faster," he asked and looked up at me with his deep brown eyes. I hope the baby will have Luke's eyes too.

I sighed and leaned back in the kitchen chair, jutting my belly out and placing my hands on it, "I wish it could, I wish it could."

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