Chapter 6

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I pulled into the doctors and quickly got out. I need this appointment to be done as soon as possible. There's no way I'm giving the baby up, even if Luke doesn't want it. Which, he's not that kind of person, I know that for sure. I have a feeling he won't be too thrilled, but he won't be mad. After all, it does take two to tango.

As soon as I got inside I was greeted by the receptionist who had a bright white smile and beautiful straight blonde hair. "Hello Miss! How may I help you today," she asked all cheerily. I wish I could be that cheery at work all the time. Then again if I was, I might die.

"Hi! Yes! I called to make an appointment earlier, my names Charlotte Bryan," I told her as I walked up closer to the desk and placed my purse on it.

"Oh yes! Is all of your information still the same since the last time you saw Dr. Tannum," she asked with a smile still on her face. How on earth does she do that?

"Yes! It sure is, Cynthia," I told her reading her name tag with a smile on my face.

"Alright! Well, have a seat and one of Dr. Tannum's assistants will call you in soon," Cynthia replied and turned back to her computer screen. It's weird. No one was in the waiting room.

I picked up my purse and sat down in one of the comfy waiting room chairs. After two minutes if staring straight ahead at the painting on the wall I decided to pull my phone. When I did I saw that I had a text from Luke.

13:59 November 27

That's great. How have you been Baby? I can't wait to be home either. I love you too, so much.


I looked down at the text blankly and quickly typed back...

14:02 November 27

Not bad, I guess.


"Ms. Bryan, we're ready for you now," a nurse informed as she came out holding a clipboard and smiling.

I slowly got up while stuffing my phone in my purse and walked towards her with a little smile on my face. "Hello, Mrs. Bryan! How are you today," she asked and lead me down the hall.

"I'm great today, how about you," I replied and followed her happily down the hall.

"Pretty good! Now, if this your first appointment for this baby," she asked and looked down at her clipboard.

I nodded and said, "yeah... I kind of just found out this morning and was able to get in today thanks to a cancellation."

"I'm glad you could get in... Is this your first baby," she asked and turned into a room at the end of the hall on the right.

I shook my head and replied, "this will be my second one. It's exciting but nerve-racking at the same time."

"Oh, Honey, I get that answer all the time... it's perfectly normal! Don't be afraid! Doctor Tannum will be right in with you,

Mrs. Bryan," she told me with a smile and directed me towards the bed.

I sat down and quickly pulled out my phone. I had another text from Luke.

14:07 November 27

You guess? Are you alright, Baby?


I sighed and slipped my phone into my purse without even thinking about what to say to Luke. I guess I'll figure that out after the appointment.

There was a knocking on the door. And the door opened a crack. "Knock knock," Dr. Tannum's deep voice mumbled.

"Come in," I replied and placed my purse on the chair next to the bed as the Doctor came in.

"Charlotte! It's great to see you again! Is Luke on tour right now," he asked as he came in and sat down in his rolley chair.

"It's great to see you too Doctor! And yes, he is! He's finishing up his tour on Tuesday and will be coming home on Thursday," I informed and shook the doctor's hand.

"That's great! And how is Bentley doing? He has to be, what, five now," he asked and turned on his ultrasound machine.

"He's been doing great! He'll be five in February," I exclaimed and made myself more comfortable on the table.

"That's great! Now, when did you find out that you were pregnant," he asked pulling up his log on his computer.

"This morning, I was lucky enough to get an appointment due to cancellation," I informed and leaned back on my hands.

"Okay... Well... You know the routine," he replied and pulled out his gel and wand.

I laid back and pulled up my shirt along with moving the waistband of my pants down... He squirted the gel onto my stomach and then spread it around with the wand.

"Oh... There we are... There's the baby! Now, how far along do you think you are," he asked and glanced over at me.

"Uh should be about four and a half months. The last time Luke was home was the end of July," I informed and looked at the fetus on the screen. You could make out a head, spine and what will be the legs.

"Well, according to this, you are right. The conception date is... July 25... So you are about 18 weeks and one day short! Your due date is... April 18th! Now, what made you think you were pregnant," he asked and took his wand off of my stomach.

"Well, I've been really bloated the past week and I've also been craving some of the weirdest things... But Doctor... Why am I not showing more? With Bentley I was showing at four months on the dot," I told him and grabbed a cloth to wipe off the gel.

"Well, Charlotte, every pregnancy is different. That bloating, though, is obviously just you starting to show," he informed and printed out a copy of the ultrasound. He knows me so well. "Also, would you just like to wait for Luke to know the gender?"

"Yes I would! Thank you Doctor," I thanked him. Something tells me it'll be a good thing, this baby.   

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