Chapter 2

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"I love a small town girl, I love a country girl," my alarm went off causing me to slam my hand down on it in frustration. I couldn't help but toss and turn thinking about work last night. Nothing I did could clear my mind.

I dreamt that my boss and I got into an argument about if family was really important or not. And it ended up in me getting fired, which could be both good and bad. Maybe that's what I need though, a new job. One where I'm more appreciated.

I sighed and swung my legs around the side of the bed, planting my feet on the soft carpet before getting up and going straight for the calendar that I have in my closet. I grabbed the pen hanging from it and crossed off the day before just like I have the past 62 days. One day left and Luke will finally be home.

I let out a long huff and spun around making my way towards my bathroom to get ready for the day. As I stripped off my clothes I realized how tense my body has been. Which, fuck, I'm sick of it. I love Bentley to death, but some days he's a complete handful when I am with him.

I let out a sigh of relief as the hot water ran down my back. As soon as I was done with my shower, brushing my teeth and doing my hair I quickly got dressed and shuffled down the hall into Bentley's room. When I got there my beautiful little blonde hair brown eyed boy was still fast asleep.

"Bent Bud, it's time to get up," I mumbled and pulled the covers down a little bit. He literally just flipped so his back was to me. Just like his father would do. "Bent, you get to go to Grandmas after lunch today," I prompted hoping that would get him up, which it did.

"Yay! Grandma's! And SLEEP OVERRRR," he screeches and ran past me to his closet as he started pulling out his clothes for both today and tomorrow.

"Woe Bud, hold up! Remember you packed your stuff like last week," I mentioned and slid the bag he had packed out from underneath his bed. "I'll tell ya what! If you can get ready right now then we can got to McDonalds for breakfast," I bargained and gave him a fake enthusiastic look.

"No mommy! I want Daddy's famous eggs," Bentley replied seriously with his eyebrows raised and his big brown eyes opened wide.

I sighed and got down to his level, "I'll tell ya what Bud, when daddy gets home later this week, we'll have them, I'm not very good at making them. At least not as good as your Daddy."

Bentley pouted with his arms crossed. "Why aren't you as awesome as Daddy!? I wish he could be the one staying at home and you would be away," he exclaimed angrily, "it's not fair! I want daddy back!"

My eyes glazed over in wetness and I stood back up straight. "Get ready Bentley. We have to get to daycare," I said sternly with a straight face. He's never talked back. He's never told me he wants his dad more than me. He's never... He's never turned on me like that.

I grabbed his bag for Luke's Mom's house and walked out of his room going straight for the kitchen. I shakily got my coffee ready while trying to hold back tears. It's hard to believe that he'd think of me that way. Am I really not a fun parent?

I pulled out some cereal and milk pouring some for both Bentley and I. Then I plopped down and began shoving the food in my mouth, barely even breathing between bites.

"Bentley, I know you miss daddy but you gotta come down and eat," I called out as I finished up my bowl of cereal and put the bowl in the dishwasher.

My grumpy little four year old stomped down the stairs with his brown eyes a darker shade than normal. "Buddy, you gotta eat. Listen, I'm sorry, but... Let's just go. You can eat in the car," I mumbled and took his bowl pouring the contents into a ziplock bag and handing it to him.

I slipped on my high heels and grabbed my purse along with Bentley's overnight bag while escorting Bentley out the door. He's just like his father, always holding grudges. I pulled the back door opened. Bentley slowly crawled into his car seat and strapped himself in before starting to munch on his cocoa puffs.

"Bud," I started looking up at Bentley through the rear view mirror, "I know you miss daddy. You know I do too. We both wish he was here... But sometimes we have to have rules. And bud, I'm sorry but I've been too busy. Daddy will be home soon. I promise."

The entire time he just sat there munching on his cereal with his eyebrows furrowed in anger. Kids. And Luke and I still want to have more.

I sighed and pulled into the daycare parking lot. "Can you get yourself out of your seat bud," I asked as I pulled my keys out of the ignition and got out of my truck yanking the back door opened.

"Yes," he let out grumpily and jumped down from my truck with the zip lock still in his little hands. The two of us walked up to the daycares front doors.

Before he ran in and played with his friends I squatted down and kissed his forehead tussling his blonde hair, "I love you bud. Have a great day, mommy loves you. Have fun at Grandma's. I will see you tomorrow! Oh! And your stuff will be in your cubby."

"Bye," he said with a sudden smile on his face as he ran off to his friends. I stood up straight and wiped off my skirt and then went to sign him in. Then I walked over to his cubby and stuffed his overnight bag in.

As I walked out a stray tear ran down my face and I quickly wiped it away. When I got to the car I unlocked it and jumped in quickly flipping to my favorite country station. 'Country Nation' by Brad Paisley was playing. Hands down one of my favorite songs. Good music always takes my mind off the bad things.

I sighed as the next song came on- 'Crash My Party'. I instantly changed the station. I can't stand to hear Luke's Voice right now. I can't stand to think about how Bentley wishes I was in Luke's place and never home. I just really hope Bentley knows Luke doesn't like being away as much as he is. Luke would've killed to see Bentley take his first steps. He really mcherishes every single moment he has at home.

When I got to the office I quickly turned off my truck and strutted inside. Once I sat down inside my office and saw 35 emails I knew it would be a long day.

After lunch as I walked back to my office I notice the door was ajar. I always leave it wide opened when I'm not in it....

"Hey Cathy," I turned to the receptionist, "Did anyone go into my office while I was on my Lunch break?" She quickly shook her head no. "Thank you," I said politely and cautiously walked into my office.

There was a single white rose sitting on top of the red folder that I had left on my desk before my lunch break. I raised an eyebrow and noticed that my office chair was turned away from me. What? Who could've done this? Luke's not due home till tomorrow afternoon...

I approached my chair and put my hand on the back of it, but just as I did the person swung around. I put my hands on my mouth and let my eyes open wide.

Hope y'all enjoyed!!
Lemme know what ya think!

Thanks for reading!
-JJ :)

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