Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Ellington

Chapter 5

Victoria's POV

Ell ran upstairs leaving me alone with Ross. Crap I don't want to talk about the thing with Ross right now.

"So." I said

"So. I was just thinking........Why haven't you told..."

"Hey guys." Rydel said soming down the stairs with Ell

"Told what to who?" Ell said

"Nobody. Ross was just playing around."

"Yeah ok. Can I talk to you?" said Rydel

"Umm. Sure?" I said

We walked outside. 

"What is going on with you. You have been secretive alot lately."

"I'm fine Ell and I have just been having issues. Do you know what it's like to be in two different family's or feel like you are and then juggling and if you drop one of the whatever you will lose that family. Like if you make one wrong move that they will hate you and if you fix it the other one will hate you. Rydel I am under alot of pressure! I love all of you but I can't keep pretending that this is working. I love Ell but I can't see Ross suffer."

"That's a question you have to ask yourself. Do you love Ell enough to see Ross suffer or do you need to let him go?" and with that she walked inside

"DOESN'T HELP!!" I screamed and ran away.

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