Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Ross's POV

This can't be happening. I love her. I get to get her to love me back. Somhow I have to get Rydel and Ellington together. I need her back in my life.

I was just staring at the TV wondering if at any moment some awesome girl would walk through the door say Ross I love you and hug me.

"ROSS I LOVE YOU!!" Rydel said walking through the door then hugged me.

"Not the girl i was hoping. But why?"

"Because you got Tori to go to Ell and talk to him now they are together again!"

"I DID WHAT!?!?!"

"Ross you are a life saver I think that without Ell and Tori together Ell would be to depressed to talk to us do the band or even go out of the house."

"I DID WHAT!?!?!"

"Hello lover boy. You just saved our butts Ell is gonna be so happy."

"I DID WHAT!?!?!"



"It's ok I know it hurts You love Tori and I love Ellington. We will get through this together!"

"WE ARE ENGAGED!!!!" Victoria and Ellington said running in the door.

"I DID WHAT?!?!" Ross screamed

"Sorry about him! That's great I am so happy for you guys!!" said Rydel

"Thanks Delly." Ell said smiling at her.

Rydel's POV

"So when did this happen?" I asked

"Well After I left here I went to Ell's and Apoligized for what happened and then we got back together then he proposed then we went dress shopping and found the cutest dress and now we are here." said Tori



"You made me think that you loved me but it was all just a lie. A big fat lie."

"Ross i'm sorry but I always loved Ell."

"Fine whatever just don't expect me to be at your stupid wedding!"

"I don't even want you there!"



 And they both ran off leaving Ell and I just standeing there.

"So you and Tori Again."


"Look Ell I.." I said but he interrupted me

"I love you too!" He said i smiled

"Yeah!" He said I was about to kiss him when I had to snap out of it.

"You should go."

"You Bye." He said closing the door behind him.

I sat on the couch thinking. Did that just happen! What am I doing! I love Ell to much to see him make tis mistake. He is to important. 

I looked at the clock and started falling alseep. I just let my self sleep.

I woke up the next morning to a door slamming.

"What the heck!" I said

"That was Tori on the phone. Ell ran away!" said Riker

"WHAT? No this can't be happening!"

"i know We need him!"

"No Riker i need him!!"

A/N: I know Cliff hanger!!! Comment and Vote!!! Thanks so much for reading my story it means so much!!!! you guys are great!!!!!

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