Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Ellington’s POV

~1 Hour Earlier~

I was sitting with Rydel on the couch we were looking through wedding

books that apparently she made for us. Creepy right? she looked at me and said…

“This could be you.” she said pointing to me. it already was me. “And that could be Victoria she can take my place.” she said looking in my eyes.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked

“What do you mean?” she asked

“You keep pretending like you want me to do this but in actuality you don't want me to do this you want me to be with you. I know you like me or love me for say but still. Rydel i think that I should tell you that..” I said but was rudely interrupted by my phone. It was Kelly. Of course I answered stupid me.

~Phone Convo~

Ellington: What?

Kelly: I think we should talk about the wedding. I know that we were gonna get married but now of course we aren’t so I was thinking Rydel could use my dress.

Ellington: You don’t have to do that. Rydel is here helping me and she has it all planned plus I think Victoria wants to pick her own dress.

Kelly: Of course just run it by her ok?

Ellington: Ok Bye.

Kelly: Bye.

~End of Phone Convo~

Yes Kelly and I were gonna get married and I thought that Rydel would be mad when I told her but she was fine with that too.

“Anywho as i was saying…” I was rudely interrupted by my phone again. “Just give me one second.” I said looking at Rydel who was waiting for me to tell her what i was about to say.

“Okee Dokee!” She said all perky. Man she is so beautiful.

I looked at the number and it said 911 so immediately answered.

~Phone Convo~

Ellington: Hello?

Police: Is this Ellington Ratliff?

Ellington: Yes it is may I help you?

Police: Yes it seems that a girl you know got in a car crash and she is unconscious and gonna be ok. so we thought we would call the last person she called which was you. Do you anyone who drives a light blue mustang?

Ellington: Oh My God

~End of phone Convo~

I dropped my phone and ran and yes i hung up on a Police Officer. I just left Rydel behind. I needed to get to Victoria. I jumped in my dark Green Mustang and yes we have matching cars. I got them for us.

I just kept driving i knew where she probably was. She was driving home so i took the route she usually takes and sure enough there was a car crash.

I parked my car and jumped out of it. I saw Victoria on a stretcher. I ran over to the caution tape and there was a police officer that stopped me.

“I NEED TO GET TO HER!!” I screamed

“Name?” he said calmly

“ELLINGTON NOW LET ME IN!!!!!” I yelled.

“Yes sir!” He said

I ran over to her and was looking at me.

“I love you!” I said crying. This happened to Rydel and I wouldn't let it happen to her. I just can’t

“I love you!” I repeated “Just love you!”

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